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Skyrim crashes after a few minutes


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Yes, I can tell you that's because of a combat improving Mod you are using. I got the same result with my favorit combat Mod. After trying all of them, I figured they at one point create all the same errors. They probably don't do any harm alone, but combined with other Mods.


Cloak Scripts are scripts that are inactive as long as the player isn't close to the form that activates the script, but once it's activated, it behaves like a OnUpdate() script (respectively not like a OnSingleUpdate() script). It basically creates a constant loop for cheking variables, and if you are using such Mods with lots of other script and texture intensive Mods, you game gets messed up. I've gone through a long journey to figure the pefectly correct Mod setup for my game and PC. I'm afraid there's no other way for you, unless you significantly reduce the number of script intensive/texture Mods.


Use Skyrim Performance Monitor to figure you FPS and RAM usage. Then use [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/62671/?]this Mod[/utl] to measure script latency. You will want to have stable 60 FPS most of the time, script latency no higher then 50 (30 if possible), and keep at least a buffer of 40% RAM free.


Refer to this guide to probarly set up a stable game...



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May have found the fix to the problem, turns out it was noobishness. I found out that the orange mods in Wrye Bash have their masters out of order, so I went into TesVEdit and ordered them. Gonna try it on the full modlist and see what happens.


Thanks for the help.

Edited by MrShmid
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What you should do is learn to use tesvedit and look through the internals of the mods. Then you can see the conflicts and learn how to make your own patch. And you can also begin to see trends in mods and determine their load order.
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