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Custom Fire Shout - Can't change the flame wisps color


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I'm trying to make two separate shouts using the "voiceflamewaveproject01" mesh and "dragonflamewaveproject01" mesh. I've already got the gradient texture down (I'm making it blue), and the center wisp blue-ish white, but no matter what I tried, it seems that one thing never get changed to blue: the flame trails.

The fire trails are related to "PushMuzFlashDust" nodes and "AddOnNode," I think (http://i.imgur.com/aBMaCqy.png), since deleting them also removes the flame trails. Here's pictures of what I'm talking about.

Fire Breath "Yol"



Custom Blue Fire Breath


Notice the missing flame trail? That's what I removed because it was always regular flame colors. Unlike regular BSEffectShaderProperty and BSLightingShaderProperty, which are much easier to manage and control, I have absolutely no idea how to edit these BSValueNodes.


If you could help me with these issues, I'd really appreciate it.

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It probably has something to do with the alpha channel of your texture.


I don't have the Skyrim Creation Kit in front of me to really know, but a lot of game engines will use the R,G,B and Alpha channels for particles. If the texture you put in did not have an alpha channel defining the shape of the trail, then it would be read as black as in not there at all.


The alpha channel is just a black and white channel, so if you can access it with your image editor, just put a black and white scribble there, make sure you export the image with the alpha channel on (I forget the specifics of doing this on a Bethesda game, I have been working in Unreal too much...) and then plug in the image and see if it works.

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The problem is that those fire textures seem to be from the default path. If I somehow change that specific fire texture (which I don't know which it is, because nifscope isn't telling me at all), and manage to make it blue, then regular Fire Breath and other fire effects may become blue, which will be an unwanted side-effect.


To clarify, I didn't "put in" any textures. I'm trying to figure out how to change the texture path on those nodes in nifscope, as I explained in my first post. They are missing in my second screenshots because I intentionally deleted them, since they were the same color as the image above.


I hope you understand better what my issue is.

Edited by Mur4s4me
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Thanks to Enai, creator of the mod Thunderchild - Epic Shouts and Immersion, I was able to finally make it all blue.


Here's what he said:

1. If SLSF1_Greyscale_To_Palette_Color isn't checked, it'll look at vertex colours. Node 8 in flamewave is one of those, looking into node 7 for its (red) vertex colors. Either check this box and provide your own gradient, or change vertex colours.
2. That's a BSValueNode. Go to CK -> AddOnNode and observe which one corresponds with the Value in that node.






Everything working as intended!

Edited by Mur4s4me
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