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Syl.. GET UP!


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I've got a bizarre problem with.. Lady Syl's body.


Alright, so I'm just about to become Duke of Mania in the Shivering Isles (Ritual of Mania quest). I give the Sacellum altar the blood of Thadon, talk to Dervenin, and then talk to Sheogorath. However, he is standing beside the altar.. (isn't he supposed to be in the pews?) Anyway.

Sheogorath is interrupted by Syl and two Mazken. Then, the cutscene.

Everything is basically normal until the cutscene occurs.


Syl appears out of thin air at the back of the Sacellum where she is supposed to walk in, as a ragdoll. Dialog still carries along until Sheogorath tells his guards to lead Syl to the door, but then nothing happens. Everyone just stands there, while I'm unable to move in the cutscene mode. As stupid Syl is just laying there on the ground. :confused:


I'm not running any body changing mods except the ZUSIO SI Amber-Madness overhaul mod with the MMM patch. I believe it does modify the bodies of Syl and Sheogorath...


I'm thinking this could be some... very odd mod incompatibility. However, google has given me no insight, nor the forum's topics.

It seems to be a fairly minor problem I think, so before I start messing with larger things such as deactivating and rearranging mods, I'd love some insight from one of you geniuses on the forum! :thumbsup:


Thank you in advance!


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It's probably MMM's wounding system being weird. Using the 'resurrect' console command on her should fix it.


I tried the 'resurrect' and 'resurrect 1' command with no success. She just respawns where she should, but still as a ragdoll.. Her knees bend in and she falls flat on her face. :teehee:

I also tried the 'disable' and 'enable' commands. As well as the 'kill' and then 'enable.'




Thank you for your reply. Any more thoughts?


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You could use the console and refscope to check her fatigue and what effects she has active on her, to help figure out what's going on. Other than that, I dunno.


I tried experimenting with refscope, but I can't activate it once I'm in cutscene mode.

And I cannot talk to characters once I enter refscope mode, so I can't talk to Sheogorath while refscoping to initialize the cutscene while in refscope.. lol :wallbash:


I think I may have to just do the hard thing and disable some mods.

Could the problem maybe, for some reason, be linked to the certain save I am on? I could try redoing the quest....


Thanks for your replies!


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Sometimes you just have to bite down and disable your mods and reenable them a few at a time until you figure it out. It seems like more of a pain than it is. I have almost 200 mods. I've always found the problem in way under that.
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Sometimes you just have to bite down and disable your mods and reenable them a few at a time until you figure it out. It seems like more of a pain than it is. I have almost 200 mods. I've always found the problem in way under that.


Yeah, that's what it has become. I'll start now, thanks for the direction. :thumbsup:

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