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ok flame me if you wish but...


there are no drainage ditches attached to the sewers.

no toilets nor the dark ages equivalent.

y'all know how we "fear" a toilet backing up, consider that on a sewer scale.

so for those whom think that having a sewer full of clutter is a good idea, maybe you can think of what will happen should you try, w/o cheating or being an Argonian, to swim its entire, backed-up and flooded, length.

How is it that no water flows out of the sewers?

How are crabs and wolves getting into the sewer through LOCKED gates?

Not enough people live in I.C. to warrant such a huge sewer system.

Just one more thing and then I won't discuss this further.


You supposedly have it in the marshes and swamps, but not in the I.C. sewer.

Why not?

Yes, I could chock it up to design flaws.

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I suppose as a sufferer from leprosy you (Thomas Covenant) would be specifically interested in disease.


Actually, it's very simple. Owing to global climatic change (and because any rain that falls is the wrong kind of rain) the sewers are out of commission. Water has been diverted to other uses. The increased temperature of the stagnant water still in the sewers has killed off the local disease speading bugs in the sewers and they have not yet mutated into the next uber-infectious kind.


Body waste has to be discharged into special rubber garments worn beneath the fur underwear - I am sure this has something to do with the fetishists at Bethesda. It's removal is so unbearably gross that it only occurs during game crashes. It may indeed cause them, as the words 'oh s***' are frequently heard from players when such a crash occurs. Obviously someone has told them what is going on.


All previous forms of sanitation have been destroyed to prevent abuse. Periodically the sewers are inspected to ensure no one is using them for illegal purposes during which time vampires, goblins, bandits and sundry wildlife can walk in through the open doors.


Of course the sewers date back to the Ayleid period. In those days the leaders had large rooms to themselves but others were crammed in, 270 per tiny room.


This meant there was an awful lot of... Go figure!


There is always an easy explanation for everything!

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I suppose as a sufferer from leprosy you (Thomas Covenant) would be specifically interested in disease.


Actually, it's very simple. Owing to global climatic change (and because any rain that falls is the wrong kind of rain) the sewers are out of commission. Water has been diverted to other uses. The increased temperature of the stagnant water still in the sewers has killed off the local disease speading bugs in the sewers and they have not yet mutated into the next uber-infectious kind.


Body waste has to be discharged into special rubber garments worn beneath the fur underwear - I am sure this has something to do with the fetishists at Bethesda. It's removal is so unbearably gross that it only occurs during game crashes. It may indeed cause them, as the words 'oh s***' are frequently heard from players when such a crash occurs. Obviously someone has told them what is going on.


All previous forms of sanitation have been destroyed to prevent abuse. Periodically the sewers are inspected to ensure no one is using them for illegal purposes during which time vampires, goblins, bandits and sundry wildlife can walk in through the open doors.


Of course the sewers date back to the Ayleid period. In those days the leaders had large rooms to themselves but others were crammed in, 270 per tiny room.


This meant there was an awful lot of... Go figure!


There is always an easy explanation for everything!



Malchik, your reply gave me a chuckle.

AND it's about time someone recognized the name.

I was really beginning to wonder if anyone on here ever did anything besides play games.


ninja_lord666, this wasn't about realism it was about logic.

Can't something, at least, make sense?

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ninja_lord666, this wasn't about realism it was about logic.

Can't something, at least, make sense?

Next time, if you want something to make sense, say:

"Cthulhu did it."

If you do not believe in Cthulhu (shame on you), say:

"Chuck Norris did it."

If you do not believe in Chuck Norris OR Cthulhu...well...you won't be living much longer :P

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