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Alternative Action Mod (incl. list of alternative van. quest mods)


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Hey out there,


there several vanilla quests in Skyrim that are tedious and game-breaking (immers.wise) if you try to play with a somewhat coherent alignment:


For several of them there are mods:


The Paarthunax Dilemma


Boethia for Good Guys


House of Horrors Alternate Ending


Namira for Good Guys


Alternative quest end Lights Out after first killing leader Broken Oar Grotto


(those I know and used)




Yet for the Solstheim DLC I didn't find any:


The Quest is 'Feeding the Addiction'




In it you're requested to ask an inn-owner for allowing Bralsa Drel, an addict, back into the Inn. Unfortunately, all you can do is bribe, intimidate, persuade the owner into letting her back in. Any alternative solution is amiss. Of course a one-liner could do, yet why not send her out to the Skaal village to work and cure her addiction?





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