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Can't move anymore. Help.


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i hate when that happens..

could be a lot of things from mod interaction, to location issues (if your position variables reach a certain number they will cause problems like this) to a fatal script error..


usually i find somewhere there was a divide by 0 set through script or something stupid like that..


try running the game without the mod enabled and see if that remedies the issue.


also you are going to have to load a save prior to installing the mod because script variables can get saved regardless of whether the mod is still there or not and cause the issue to continue.


just last night i fixed one of these annoying ass bugs in my mod..


there is a script that constantly calls the x angle of the player and numbers are divided by that.

what was happening though was when a moveto was being called on the player there was a split second where the script was still running but there was no x angle hence divide by 0 equals no beuno


i hope you find your culprit soon, i wish i could have been more help.

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