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Another time mods not working


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Hi all,


Yeah, another one.

But, I've searched for 3 days now, what the hell is going wrong just now, and last month it was working.


I created a mod which modify damage values of some weapons, to adapt them at my taste.

It was working, I had Hunting Rifle with 35 dmg instead of 25, and now, my mod isn't working anymore.

I switched to the new version of NMM recently, and this morning the even new one, but I reinstalled FOMM to test that, and nothing really good.


I also modified Weapon Mod Kits to enhance the damage of the kits-modified weapons, and that doesn't work anymore too.

Archiveinvalidation is set to 1 as it was 3 years ago, on my W7 computer. It is set to 1 in the 3 files, Fallout.ini, Falloutprefs.ini and the game directory fallout.ini so IDK what's going on.


I tried many solutions found on the web, no resolution. I tried to modify that with GECK, with FO3Edit too, none of both had good results.

I must say I'm pretty desperate, I can play without this damage boost, but I love to think that some weapons must raise my attention, not to be shot by, cause they have higher damage and my HP would be reduced very fast.


I would play without this now, but if anyone can propose another solution I haven't found yet on the net, I take suggestions.


I just add that I moved FO3 from C:/programfiles/Bethesda Softworks to C:/Games, folder I created just to test the solution, nothing more to say, fail. I don't know what to do since my modifications worked before and not now... it is pretty confusing. My mod is set in the last order, it would normally override other mods.


So thanks to the one/s who can help me, or give some suggestions.


EDIT : And yeah, all others mods are fine. DC Interiors and all that is fine, all new content mods are fine too. That is weird.


EDIT 2 : I can add something interesting if one can answer : I modified the health of my BB gun from a new save, in WMK with FO3Edit, to see, and it varies from 3 to 4 dmg following which of my personal mod or WMK is before the other. So I think this works.

Another question comes in line, is it possible that dmg is modified, but not the displaying by the game ? I mean, is it possible that my 10mm gun is actually dealing 15 dmg as I want, and the game display only 9 damage because I don't know what freaking reason ?

I know this is a lot to ask, but, I'm trying to understand this mess.


EDIT 3 : I'm continuing my tests, and I'm able to change the caps value of items via my mod.

So, there is only a problem with damage.

I take all kind of serious explainations you can have. The theory of the game not displaying the real damage value I put for weapons seems to be actually true, but, I ask again if I think right.

Edited by Duriel7
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not sure a saved game will work on an English game? if it's in french the code won't match but I'll see

[X] Fallout3.esm
[X] Anchorage.esm
[X] ThePitt.esm
[X] BrokenSteel.esm
[X] PointLookout.esm
[X] Zeta.esm
[X] Correctif - Base.esm
[X] HairPack.esm
[X] RRCompanionVault.esm
[X] RR5MoreFemales.esm
[X] RR5MoreMales.esm
[X] RRGuards.esm
[X] DCInteriors_ComboEdition.esm
[X] Correctif - Fallout 3.esp
[X] Correctif - Operation Anchorage.esp


out of order Data

[X] Correctif - Broken Steel.esp
[X] Correctif - Point Lookout.esp
[X] Correctif - The pitt.esp

[X] Correctif - Mothership Zeta.esp
[X] RRWastelandPosters.esp
[X] Armes WWII - Volume 01 Fr.esp
[X] Armes WWII - Volume 02 Fr.esp
[X] TS.esp
[X] Arsenal Gear Fr.esp
[X] ArmorDisguisesFR.esp
[X] GrayWolf-CombatSansArmure.esp
[X] Enclave Ammo Box Respawn.esp
[X] medkit and toolbox respawn.esp
[X] Ammo Box Respawn.esp
[X] Interior Resets.esp
[X] richvendors.esp

[X] MaxLevelWorkaround-HP-BS.esp
[X] MaxLevelWorkaround-BS.esp


Duplicated data

[X] SkillCheck - AZERTY.esp
[X] Newark.esp
[X] GeorgetownExpansion.esp
[X] WeaponModKits.esp

out of order data
[X] WeaponModKits - BrokenSteel.esp
[X] WeaponModKits - OperationAnchorage.esp
[X] WeaponModKits - PointLookout.esp
[X] WeaponModKits - ThePitt.esp
[X] WeaponModKits - Zeta.esp


[X] Casier kits armes.esp
[X] Fallout 3 Better Armors.esp

[X] Fallout 3 Better Weapons.esp hurts WMK data and nullifies it

[X] RealisticBulletsWMKtracers.esp


Data found in the order last play'd


missing No's resources data for RR vault so yeah, your in trouble alright, fix the above and obtain all the right data for the mods your using. currently a your shy some mods

Edited by Purr4me
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Ok thank you man.


I had a trouble when NMM told me it had to uninstall and reinstall all my mods, and had an error doing that.

So I reinstalled all this, and then, I went back to the game testing the mods.

Missing data for RR Vault... I'll see, reDL the mod, even in english version it could be better.


Duplicated data ? How could that occur ? I uninstalled all the mod manually and deleted all the data before reinstall all...

And you said that myd own mod nullifies WMK data ? Even if it's before ? And the data are the same in both of them, pretty strange I'd say, but I trust your analysis.

I'll try putting the mods in the good order and test that.


EDIT : Actually, even if I delete my own mod, the damage changes won't apply, even if present in WMK. What I find strange too.


EDIT : Dude... I'm just a f*#@ing idiot or I believe something even worse... guess what... I'll explain :


Basicaly, the dmg given on Wikia is at smallguns 100 without perks, and between () the dmg at smallguns 100 with perks.

But, I'm less than 100, and, the dmg called based dmg in GECK or data in general are given for base with 100 in related skill for THIS weapon.

And, it was just a matter that I put ~60% of augmentation for the weapons I modified, so it was a bit... hidden behind that fact I'd say.

So, basicaly, I'm just a f*#@ing moron not to have taken that in count. That was a coincidence but also an evidence when I tested with 100 in the skill with no perks at all... and I didn't see that before, I just saw this now.

I'm so confused... anyway, my biggest thanks for trying to help.

Edited by Duriel7
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I'm sorry, so dudette, thanks again, and don't be fooled, I can be smart, sometimes... just a long time without playing nor modding.

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