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downloading mods and getting wordpads


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Sorry if this is a stupid question, but the only mods I've downloaded and have been able to install are DAzip files. most of the mods I've downloaded have just been wordpads. I've tried sending them to a zip folder and extracting them from there, but all i get is a folder with a wordpad file in it. I'm really confused about what I'm supposed to do. Please help.

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Sorry, I thought it might be a relatively common problem.


I'm talking about improved atmosphere, JBT, and lock bash. Like I said the dazip files work fine. Whenever I look at a guide for jnstalling mods it never looks like a wordpad, and in the cases of imrpoved atmospbere and JBT it seems that several components come with the file, obviously I dont think I'm going to be able to seperate them manually when its just a long line of code on a wordpad.


Thanks for your reply.

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There are no (I mean ZERO) mods for the DA-series that are "Wordpad" documents.

You (or your browser, or your file association settings on your computer) are not doing something correctly.


Lock Bash's Description tells you:


-- Install ---
Extract DAZIPs.
Install with \Dragon Age Origins\bin_ship\daupdater.exe.


(So if you don't have a ".dazip" file, you (or your browser) is doing something wrong.



JB3Textures is a special case. It is a "non-standard" mod, and I remember from its earliest days that it goes in a non-standard location. I actually think the Description is incorrect in that the words are right, but the path is wrong. I believe the correct path is:


C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Dragon Age Origins Ultimate Edition\packages\core\override

(Replace the "C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Dragon Age Origins Ultimate Edition\" part with your specific GAME FILE installation path.)


And IA seems to have a problem with the current archive (I get an error message when trying to extract any/all files files from it) so I'll let the author know. But in any case, no "Wordpad" needed!

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Right, thats why im so confused. Other dazip mods work, i've installed combat tweaks, a hair package, and character respeciallization with no problems. Anything I can do to configure my browser to get around this?


All im doing is clicking download manually and it downloads a wordpad. Makes no sense to me. I could do without JBT and improved atmosphere to be honest but lock bash and maybe a few other mods that I might run into this problem in the future would be nice to have.

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