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Immediate Bloodcrust Crashage


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Here's the problem. I stepped into Bloodcrust Cavern, and after one second, the game crashes. I have done several other mines, caves, etc, and this is the first time. I'm not completely sure how to get console details or anything on the error, but...any ideas or questions for me to clear this up?
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I personally can't think of any reason why bloodcrust cavern would be the only cavern that crashes. It is an important quest dungeon though, that might have something to do with it. You might try removing certain mods to try and get it to work. Some mod you are running may be introducing some irreconcilable circumstance to the quest as soon as you enter the cavern. Unless you are running mods, I can't think of any reason the dungeon would be broken. If none of the mods are causing it you might have to reinstall oblivion.


Then again, I would wait for someone to give you a second opinion before listening to me :D



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  • 2 years later...

Hmm... just did a search on the subject because it's happening to me, too. Apparently it isn't a common bug. Cave starts to load, game crashes.


In my case, it's possible I've entered bloodcrust before, I've been playing this character a while.


I'm going to disable all the mods I can [but some of mine are permanent, I think] and try that.


If it doesn't work, I hope someone can advise how to 'cheat' the game into thinking I've completed the quest...

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Just an update in case anyone else encounters this: unchecking the mods didn't help, but when I went back to an earlier save and played through properly [waiting for the count instead of lockpicking my way in], I was able to enter on my first attempt.


BUT I saved inside so I could try some different approches, and it crashes about 3/4ths of my attempts to load.


So I have no idea what the issue is, but it is real and persistant.


Hope others finding this have a savegame from not too far back that they can revert to.

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