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From ESO to Skyrim Dawnguard Dragonborn Request Discussion


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Who played ESO and how is Skyrim compared to Skyrim


Are there Mods for Skyrim related to ESO, becuase i did searched, but all i get is Results on the words eso on just about everything.


Are there places or things in ESO Skyrim not in the Actual Skyrim Game or Solstheim or Dawnguard that are Mods or could be Mods.


Any reason why the Cities and Towns in ESO are so diffrent to the Skyrim Cities and Towns, i assumed they would stay the same, yet in ESO, they are Broader and Bigger for example.




I know there are Mods that Portal you to Skuldafn or Sovngarde, but can a Mod be made that Skuldafn should be Visible on the Map with a Mountain by a blocked path as if you could climb there like in ESO, but now you cant in witch you should now be able to fly with a Dragon there After the MQ.




Only this time, the path to the Hall of Heroes in Sovngarde should be Blocked.



Edited by daventry
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