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New GPU (well its old actually)


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Potentially, yes. I have noticed a trend though, seems laptop gpus and also low-mud end AMD 7000 series cards run out of memory even with the ENBoost fixes, and a number of these cards have been 2gb, but mostly 1gb. So you might expect to see this again, but it less likely i would think, especially if you're wise about your mods.


If you do at any point start using ENBoost, and you do encounter that problem again, please update this post. I would just like to know. Just if you can. For instance, i know that a 550ti DCU2 can go over its 1GB limit without losing all the textures, but a 640m cant.


Graphics card arrived today, got everything up and running, launched Skyrim without any problems on medium settings.


I'm getting 30 to 50ish fps outside and a little higher inside, I haven't been many places yet so I don't know how well the underground water falls in Dawnguard will be handled but so far its working.


Using a lot of performance enhancing mods for smaller textures and such, I have the realistic lighting overhaul also, I didn't see a drop in my fps so it seems to handle that well enough. I've installed Wet & Cold + other cloak mods as well as Bandolier - Bags and Pouches, when I was using the 7900 the textures were missing and showed up as black for me, now with the 610 they all appear to be working.


So all in all its pretty good so far, the 610 isn't even getting very hot whilst playing. If there is anything else you want to know then tell me and I'll try to find out, if its to do with the enb (shadow fix only, no visual enhancements being used) I'm using then you might have to direct me to where I can find the info, I don't know much about them.

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