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Vanilla Skyrim 40-ish fps


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I tried setting the affinity for the process to what you specified but there is no difference in frame rate.


The game does handle 60 fps often but when I enter bigger cities like Whiterun and Markarth and have a large chunk of map data in front of me the frame rate dips. If I enter the middle of it there are no issues. It's just annoying to have it drop so bad in certain areas.


I know Bethesda's engines have their reputations, haha but it can't be that bad? I mean come on, it's a game from late 2011 lol.

Uh, yeah. Bethesda is that bad. They didn't even compile Skyrim to use SSE2 instructions until Alexander Sanny Builder did it himself.


Don't set affinity; go into your BIOS and disable every odd core.

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Wow, are you serious? Of course, they didn't have to worry constant 60 fps that much since it's a port from the 7th gen consoles, correct me if I am wrong.


All right, I will do that and return with results on Saturday. It's 1 AM and I work tomorrow, haha!


Thank you for your replies!

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Read my notes I just added to the bottom of this post. Exactly the problem you are facing I would believe, given you stated that it mainly looking back over an area that causes the drop.

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Read my notes I just added to the bottom of this post. Exactly the problem you are facing I would believe, given you stated that it mainly looking back over an area that causes the drop.

Hello, busy weekend...


So I've tried disabling the cores but it made no difference. I have made sure the cores are inactive. I've also read your thread and tried the tweaks there. uGrids do not impact the frame rate even if I turn it down to 3. The only way I can get 60 fps is by turning Object & Actor fade to 1 and 2 respectively and shadows to medium, which is not acceptable. This with AA and Filtering off -- if I max those the result is a frame rate of 25-30.


I think I'm just going to let this game rest, haha. Thank you for taking your time replying!

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