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gda file properties help


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hello guys,first of all I am new to this modding things and I need a little help;


I want to change one of the mod armor's stats and I read this post nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic /1101085-editing-uti-files-in-dragon-age/ (forum dont allow me to put link here so I add a space before /1101085) 'everything is ok so far I managed everything on that post but my problem is when I open' itemprps.gda ' file with GDApp all I see is numbers and it's like matrix but I can't see the real world:). so how do I know what number is which attribute/skill/.... etc etc.


is there a code list for those numbers, like 9001 is fatiuge or 10000 is dexterity,1506 is strenght...etc etc.also if I even know the codes then I don't know how to change to exact number for example lets say 1506 is dex so how I can add to my armor +2 dex?


right now all I can do is open another armor's uti file and copy that values to my armor,I can copy another armors stats to my armor with no problem,but I want to create my stats.


I found this so far ' http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Item_ID_codes_%28Origins%29 ' but it didn't help me for armor stats. if you can help me i really appreciate,thanks.

Edited by llothknight
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