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CTD For no apprent reason


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Skyrim Immersive Creatures causes random CTDs unless you switch off random spawns in the MCM menu. Cells sometimes become no-go areas for days because of these spawns.

When I start a new character I always forget to switch the feature off. It is not until I start thinking "What is wrong with may game" at around level 5 that I remember & the CTDs go away.


HighResTexturePack causes random CDTs without the patch. There are better textures on Nexus.


I don't see the Unofficial patches. The DLCs trash the game. Even without mods you need them.



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So, i should simply switch off random spawns with SIC and disable the highrestexturepack? i can't use 2k cause it cause suttering when turning around. therefore i disabled it. and i don't want the game to look like trash also.. and i only have a gtx 750 and a lame ass I3 cpu and 4gb ram.. so yeah... i guess i could allocate 4gb ram into skyrim, but i want to play other games.. like witcher 3. (surprise i can actually play it on half-ultra with those specs and get 35>45 fps) and buying more RAM is not an option since it costs 400 shekels in my country and i need my money for something else, which is not video games

Edited by dueldragon
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