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New Vegas won't launch at all


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I followed this guide and my Fallout won't launch at all. I launched NVSE via MO and it opened the NVSE command prompt, after that nothing.

"must be a missing master" I thought. Nope, NVEdit is cool with it.

I tried launching the falloutnv.exe directly without MO, but it won't start. Won't launch via Steam either.

I've tried deleting the inis and letting NV recreate them, validating the game files via steam and completely reinstalling the game.


Then I got really annoyed and tried a pirated falloutnv.exe, which weirdly enough worked (launched it outside of MO). NVSE didn't launch, but I guess it detected a modified exe.


I have no idea what else to try, any help would really be appreciated.


System Specs:

i5-4460 quad-core 3,2 GHz

8 GB DDR3 ram

Nvidia GTX 760

Win 8.1 64-bit

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