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My first character will likely be a male Khajiit spellflinger/archaeologist, so I've been at it coming up with something sounding Khajiit-y and vaguely Arabic, while also adding something Nordic to the mix. After all, the Dragonborn family must have lived in Skyrim earlier, and since Elsweyr isn't part of the Imperium anymore, it's more likely he grew up in Skyrim.


Do-Mraaj Al-Khalir, with the nickname Frosttail will do. Depending on how frugal the name-feature is this time around.

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I've always loved the name Freja, Freya, or another spelling is Frejya. She is the Norse Goddess of the Valkyries, and the Goddess of love and fertility.
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Some names I've invented in my spare time.



Argonian - Male: Cheel-Lanzeek, Female: Anunesei


Breton - Male: Redemin Wolfiel, Female: Lyranelle Cavierre


Imperial - Male: Joranus Tentalius, Female: Revalia Cantero


Dunmer - Male(civilized): Arensar Farvano, Female(civilized): Felthasa Tarothran, Male(Ashlander): Suridapilu Avun-Ahhe, Female(Ashlander): Serrabinashiah Masseribalit


Altmer - Male: Aremyon, Female: Sorinyarie


Redguard - Male: Balkrin, Female: Shara


Nord - Male: Laestar, Female: Kjordana


Orc - Male: Borgak gro-Durog, Female: Rula gra-Bora


Bosmer - Male: Rondolas, Female: Mendragil


Khajiit - Male: J'Savo, Female: Ri'Vasi

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