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It's highly possible that I'll create a male nord on the first round so... Wiglaf. You know, the one in Beowulf who stands as the last lone survivor of the spirit of the ancient Germanic heroes.


I use this name whenever I playe as a male nord, which always gives me an... elegiac feeling. :biggrin:

Edited by Tinfeasul
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i play a feamale type called frey after the goddess of the same name and was pleased to finde her in the appachi store mod,a much forgotten god from samartian legend belived to be bast and ashara as well as norse .
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So I have Tim as my first character, who will be a pacifist. He will be very interesting to play as.....


Then I will create Sancho Panza de la Mancha, the squire of Don Quixote who has come to Skyrim to escape his nagging wife and children..

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I cheat. I look through the appendix of Tolkien books for names of places and people. I'm not very creative with these kind of things.
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Well I'm not very creative giving names to my chars (but then again we have the net to get names or references) but I almost always name my female char "Shirria Bane" I like that name.
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