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2048 LOD Combine Blade9722 and Zacharot


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hi, I wanted to ask if someone of you have this excellent LOD-Replacer (2048 LOD Combine Blade9722 and Zacharot) and could upload it to TESsource again? Because its the best LOD-Replacer I have ever seen for Oblivion! But this mod was deleted from TESsource and so I can`t download it. So, could someone do it ,please?

Thanks :D

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Try Planet ElderScrolls, they have a big selection of mods. You just have to sign up to file planet (its free) and you can download all you want.


Yes I know,..but not this Mod! Because this Mod doesn`t exist anymore! I have hoped that someone still have this Mod and could upload it again to TESsource.


So, could someone of you who has this mod on his computer upload it to TESsource please?

It would be very nice!!! :D

Thanks!!! :P


EDIT: Merged your posts. Please don't double post, as it's spam (see the rules). Thanks.


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