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CTD after installing ENBSeries


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I spent ages trying to figure out why my game wouldn't launch. It constantly crashes after the bethesda logo. I couldn't see any problems with my load order so i reinstalled everything and did it one step at a time.


Installing enbseries v0.279 (from http://enbdev.com/download_mod_tesskyrim.htm), for whatever reason, is causing the crash. Apart from that, i only have SKSE (which i am using to launch the game), SkyUI, all DLC cleaned with TES5Edit, and the unofficial patches.

Removing the ENB files fixes the crash, and readding them causes it again.


My config files are fresh except for a few lines changed in SkyrimPrefs.ini:


(I checked to make sure there was only one of each of these in the .ini)


I have searched but i do not know what to do to fix this. :(

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