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Looking for non-sassy followers with custom voice acting


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Hey there :)

Well, at the moment I'm working on a uniquely voiced Dremora Lord, complete with his own custom dialogue, personality and backstory.


For reasons that will in the mod be revealed, he has been banished from Oblivion and no longer serves Mehrunes Dagon. He's definitely not sassy. Maybe a little sad/contemplative at times, but not sassy :P

He still needs to cook for a little while in the CK before he's ready though.

Other than that, I'm in the same boat as you. In-depth, 3D characters are probably one of the most important aspects of a good game for me. Interesting NPCs is one of my favourite Skyrim mods, and Gorr was a champ.

All I can suggest is other NPCs from that mod at the moment. My male character married Zora Fair-Child from interesting NPCs because I liked her so much. If memory serves correctly you can find her in Brittleshin Pass. There's also Rumarin from the same mod. Definitely sassy though, but quite popular.

Sorry I can't be of more help. Good luck with your search :)

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