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Streamline INI reset


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Have you tried Oblivion Reloaded? From the features I think you are after, OR has the following (it is very modular, you can disable and enable features, also customise a lot of them, through ini files):

  • Enhanced Grass plugin built into it (not working at the moment, but Alenet is working on fixing it)
  • Memory purger (very good one, both automatic and manual purging works)
  • Framerate manager (also a very good one, hides and shows LOD and near objects on the fly to achieve a specific FPS you can set, comes with a decent amount of customisation options)
Plus a heap of other stuff, as you probably noticed from the description. But they are (almost?) all optional. Probably one of the few potential remaining features from Streamline is then the save feature I have heard of, but it should not make any difference using that or the regular save methods, as they all just... well... make a savegame. :P


How did you try to install OR? Have you tried it without Streamline? It should work.


Also, the water reflections are not from Streamline as it is, Streamline just enables functionality already present in the game. There are settings in Oblivion.ini, under the [water] section or something like it (cannot remember exactly) that control the different reflections. The settings are just boolean values with self-explanatory names. You can toggle them in there and see if it makes any difference. I use Oblivion Reloaded myself, with the reflections enabled in the ini, and things work fantastically.

Edited by PhilippePetain
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Well then you obviously move on if you cannot make it work at all no matter what, simple as that.


Just make sure to follow the instructions if there are any, or at least read the description thoroughly and excercise some additional brainwork before giving up. At the moment, there is a sticky that says two modules of Oblivion Reloaded will cause CTD and that they should be disabled until Alenet fixes them: equipment and grass modules. The mod requires some specific Visual C++ redistributable, too. And MenuQue. And must not be combined with anything OBGE or the separate grass and water mods by Alenet.

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Streamline was intended to allow low end PCs that would have trouble getting to 20 fps to work with Oblivion. If you see a consistent 30 or higher fps, then I don't recommend streamline. The way it works is to trade visual features for fps. On my older potato I used Streamline and it made playing Oblivion possible. But you had to put up with things like not being able to see the archer who was filling you with arrows, nearly walking into a wall of some fort before it popped into view and things at a distance fading out when you started moving toward them. When I upgraded, suddenly things popping in and out at distances became annoying and I removed streamline.


Then, Streamline was never really finished. The author just vanished from all game sites with no warning or explanation leaving it at a permanently unfinished state.

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Well then you obviously move on if you cannot make it work at all no matter what, simple as that.


Just make sure to follow the instructions if there are any, or at least read the description thoroughly and excercise some additional brainwork before giving up. At the moment, there is a sticky that says two modules of Oblivion Reloaded will cause CTD and that they should be disabled until Alenet fixes them: equipment and grass modules. The mod requires some specific Visual C++ redistributable, too. And MenuQue. And must not be combined with anything OBGE or the separate grass and water mods by Alenet.


I see... yeah I'am too lazy to fix ctd obge problem. Thx for explanation anyway


Streamline was intended to allow low end PCs that would have trouble getting to 20 fps to work with Oblivion. If you see a consistent 30 or higher fps, then I don't recommend streamline. The way it works is to trade visual features for fps. On my older potato I used Streamline and it made playing Oblivion possible. But you had to put up with things like not being able to see the archer who was filling you with arrows, nearly walking into a wall of some fort before it popped into view and things at a distance fading out when you started moving toward them. When I upgraded, suddenly things popping in and out at distances became annoying and I removed streamline.


Then, Streamline was never really finished. The author just vanished from all game sites with no warning or explanation leaving it at a permanently unfinished state.


I'am curious.... streamline state that, using more safe method to create save games so I open it with TES4CSE and I found save game using 'con_Save' syntax

so my question is...

what's the different using normal save game with 'con_Save' ?

and.... what's the deal using normal Load versus 'con_Load' ?

if that con syntax prove better, how do you compare it with kuertee autosave mod ?

please do tell

thx b4

Edited by lubronbrons
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Apologies for potentially sounding a bit rude, lubronbrons. Especially since I subconsciously picked the "you" passive for the verb, which just made the whole thing sound more... well... targeted. Sorry. I am looking to insult anyone.


But to be honest, I might have been a bit annoyed. Alenet is pouring a lot of work into that mod, and seeing someone tell how it causes CTDs and that they will not be using it annoys me a bit. Or maybe I just read it the wrong way, real life has been a bit stressful at the moment, and I am trying hard not to let it show here. :P


But sorry to hear you did not manage to make it work. Improved Water is nice, but not as extensive. :(


The CS wiki says "con_Save" is the save as normal "save" from the console, but that is intended for scripts instead of console. I myself, however, do not know if their functionality differs somehow. It would feel silly to have two different methods for creating a savegame within one game engine, I think? And if all the available methods (menu, quicksave, save, con_Save) trigger the same savegame creation process withing the engine, where could the differences be?


So I would also like to know more if someone has done any research on the subject.

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I'am sorry :( that you feel annoyed at my comment before, yeah for me obge is real deal (especially makes my fps drops till blackhole)

I mention 'OBGE is great' right? so please don't feel so offended...


so far I'am using streamline for savegame manager, and proved useful. but still .... not certain which is save methods is safe and best

and may change streamline to kuertee autosave. but I just don't have enough knowledge & resource, to make me want to use kuertee's

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I'am sorry :sad: that you feel annoyed at my comment before, yeah for me obge is real deal (especially makes my fps drops till blackhole)

I mention 'OBGE is great' right? so please don't feel so offended...




Nooooooo. :facepalm:


It did not ruin my day or anything, no need to worry about that. I just tried to somehow express that the reason I got annoyed was maybe like 20% your comment and 80% my real life with a boatload of stressful stuff. So my bad, sorry. Social stuff or communicating with people is not for me. And this is just a forum on the Internet, so everyone here should be happy for not having to meet me in real life. :laugh:


And I think the main question about savegames is whether all the different "commands" trigger the same savegame creation process within the engine. If they do, where could there be any differences between them? Other than timing, of course, which might or might not be different in different mods. Someone who knows how the savegame thingies work would need to answer that.

Edited by PhilippePetain
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