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3 hours ago, ScytheBearer said:

you and your ad hominem attacks

Ad Hominem , short for argumentum ad hominem, refers to several types of arguments that are fallacious. Often nowadays this term refers to a rhetorical strategy where the speaker attacks the character, motive, or some other attribute of the person making an argument rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself.


You literally did that with this response

6 hours ago, ScytheBearer said:

"ardent sycophants", "obfuscating". 

I on the other hand made my argument and then insulted your character, not at all the same thing.

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16 hours ago, worm82075 said:

Ad Hominem , short for argumentum ad hominem, refers to several types of arguments that are fallacious. Often nowadays this term refers to a rhetorical strategy where the speaker attacks the character, motive, or some other attribute of the person making an argument rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself.


You literally did that with this response

I on the other hand made my argument and then insulted your character, not at all the same thing.

If you took my reiteration of something I had already said as an ad hominem, that is your problem.  I simply restated; in simpler terms, arguments I had already made and established.  Your claim to being aggrieved by such a restatement is only a symptom of a greater character flaw which is revealed in your ongoing, thin skinned proclamation of victimhood.  Poor you, that old man is picking on you. 

Making arguments based in fabrication and personal opinion are indeed fallacious.  But you aren't going to let that stop you from attempting to badger and berate your betters. Instead, you attempt to elevate yourself by tearing down those who outstrip you.  In your deluded and muddled thinking such behavior makes you the better person, when in reality is simply makes you a bully, bent on winning by intimidation and threat.  

Hows that?  Did I satisfy YOUR criteria for not using an ad hominem?  Or has it seeped into that molecular sized brain of yours that ANY argument which is not directly related to the topic at hand and which is a direct or indirect attack on the personality or character of a discussion participant is an ad hominem?

Now, go hump someone else's leg.  I tire of you and your petty insults and your childish, clumbsy attempts at intimidation. 

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Guest deleted228369666

Hello. So, who are behind NexusMods.com ? Mod Authors don't like to hear, when someone, maybe me, tell that is extreme boring to use the FO4Edit. Why ? Because they delete my post. The new style of Forum is like a empty bottle. Where is the forum, have categories ? is this a new method, so people don't post anything they want to talk about it ? At the past, yes, some people deserve to deleted or banned, so if after i write those things, i get banned, i get all the answers i need, about NexusMods.com

That's all........

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If the mod authors are deleting your posts and/or banning you that has nothing to do with the people behind NexusMods.com.  Stop annoying the mod authors.

If FO4Edit is needed to fix your problem and you find it too boring, then don't use the mod.  That's not the mod author's problem.

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