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Modding Ideas Topic


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  • A place called Taco Bomb. It is essentially Taco Bell, but in the Fallout universe. It has similar menu options too, but not too similar that some form of copyright issues occur.

parody falls into its own area that cannot have copyright strikes against it. (look it up if you're intrested, it's a good read and a little bit more complicated then how i stated it.)


also i am with you on tacos.

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Mouse cursor position in fullscreen (may be a straight up bug)



I extracted the interface .ba2 file and there's no control map. There's one above the save directory but it's encoded and I think it's literally just the binds you set in the menu.


Being able to change *all* the binds should be standard.

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A mod where combat has "weight".

Currently it's just a dumb paintball match with idiots. Catching a bullet should have serious consequences, including death ofc. Make damage and HP static and independent of actor level. Higher levels should only bring better perks and equipment. Also, cut silly and illogical things like a heavier reciever boosts the damage... Damage should depend on bullet type, speed (barrel lenght), and the bodypart it hits. Firefights feel very stupid in the stock game because it's full with arcadish solutions you can't change/turn off.

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Coming from Witcher 3 I fired up Skyrim a bit this past week and I had an immediate sudden realization that I hadn't realized in the past: that enemies in Bethesda games are hit sponges.

Aside from the fact that the enemies doesn't react to each hit you land on them, they take too many hits to die. And I don't talk for bosses or big bad ugly creatures, but even for the common bandits / raiders. I don't know if that's the case for Fallout 4 yet as I haven't got it yet, but from a few videos I watched online it seems that many enemies have that too in Fallout 4, and I remember very well that this was the case in Fallout 3 too.

Anyone remembers shooting raiders in the head like 5-6 times until they die without them even getting stunned ?


So what I'd like to see is a mod that makes more believable in that sense, so succesfull hits do real damage.

Careful though, I don't ask for a mod to drastically alter difficulty of the game. I don't want the game the game to be super easy neither super hard, so I guess the hits that enemies land on the player should do more damage perhaps.

I just want it to feel a bit closer to reality, in that sense.

Edited by Alithinos
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Changing "Dogmeats" name to something..else. considering the real dogmeat died over 200 years ago and the decedent of dogmeat, dogmeat cant be dogmeat because "dogmeat" is not only a different breed than dogmeat but in a different area and time period of the U.S..


Also when building settlements, changing the "are you sure" screen after you hit "R" to scrap a piece of junk.

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To the creators of Wasteland Defence and RPG or who ever is willing to correct this situation, pls we NEED YOU. The current scrapping and building system needs some modding.

1. Scrapping outside settlements 100% urgency

2. Faster way to scrap items (currently you need to drop it point at it then select the scrapping option)
3. Whenever you build something the position and Level of some structures (like walls) needs to be modified. Some objects cannot move on vertical axis (Z)

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