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Fighter's Guild Mission

Synthetic Evo

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I'm not sure if this should go here or the spoilers but....


:help: I need help.

I have to do a mission and take 20 bottles of flen to Elith-Pal Mine, west of Zainab Camp to a guy by the name of.... Dangor or something like that.


Well, I went there, and he wasn't there.... Am I in the wrong place or what?

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Heres a litle hint if you get the directions to some NPC from another NPC. If the 1st guy says "Billybob is to the west, take this moonshine to him" then Billybob is tot he east, and vice versa. The only people in the whole world who give you somewhat accurate directions are the various Daedra, and even then thier pretty vague.


To sum it up:

Always go in the opposite direction of where NPCs tell you to go.

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Ranis Athrys in the Balmora Mages Guild gives some pretty decent directions, but those are, I think, the exception rather than the rule!


Anywho, back on topic, the first time I ever did that FG quest I must have spent 20 minutes running around that damn mine trying to find Dangor!

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I too was rather turned off by the quest to kill off all of the thieves guild bosses. It was at that point when I decided the Master was nothing more than a Commona Tong lackey. I went straight to Ald-Ruhn and got the last quest from the Champion there.


I didn't at all enjoy the quests where you had to run around and deliver different drinks to the mines, and killing the random group of nix hounds reminded me of my days running around seyda neen killing rats until lvl 5.

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