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Change NPC Apperance


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First of all, this isn't about changing an NPC in the Creation Kit and having it as a mod, what I'm looking for is a mod which adds 2 spells and an MCM option.

So what I'm looking at is a spell say "Alter NPC" which when cast on an npc allows you to change the race, gender, apperance etc. of any NPC. So you could make Ulfric an Imperial etc. And that it would allow you to change their inventory so you can remove every single item they have and replace it with what you choose. As well as changing their displayed name, I know that it will still be the original in the audio dialog. Also being able to change their voice nord elder, young eager etc.

A "Clone NPC" which copies the appearnce, inventory and name of the npc and when you use the alter npc spell you can use a load option to "paste" that onto the npc your editing.

The MCM menu to have an add spells option, a manage clones option so you can delete npcs that you've cloned, so they can be easily managed, and a reset NPCS mod, which resets to how all affected npcs where.

But it would be nice to be done in such a way that itd be mod compatible so you could mod a follower, or character and be able to edit them.

I just think it'd be really cool, because you could do it on the fly, to absoutly anyone.

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