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Immobile P-Character

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The problem this time: my char only moves when her weapon is drawn, and then won't sheath the weapon. Also, in sneak mode, she only moves in the slow mode. :dry: Any help is appreciated much. :laugh: Almost 100% green to modding, I thought if re-installing the meshes/textures from BAB would help, but didn't.


So thanks for any help. :)

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Go Nihilist. If thy eye offendeth thee, then pluck it out.


Remove things you have added to Oblivion until your game starts working correctly again. Then you can slowly add them back in, one mod at a time, with a couple of hours of play-testing between each addition. When you game breaks again and your character can't move right, you will know that the last mod you installed is not the sort of thing you want to have anywhere near your computer, and you can then act accordingly.

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