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making mod in CK.


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ok, first id like to say if this is in the wrong spot i do applogise and please tell me where to put it if not here.


as far as my issue goes, im trying to make a mod that takes place after the main qestline is beaten, and have about 99% of it on "paper" but i have 0 exp. with creation kit (yay for not knowing what im doing -.-). i would like some help acctuly making the mod in CK, mostly because im tired of the headache its been giving me but i dont want to give up on the mod iteself. if anyone is intrested, even in hearing more about it to desside if you WANT to work on it with me, the easyist way to get ahold of me is skype (draconazul). i really hope someone will help me, but saddly im not expecting anyone to.


thank you for reading this, and thank you in advance if you choose to help.

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What kind of mod are you planning to do exactly? If it's a quest with dialogues, i may say that i'm someone with average experience and i just can't do that kind of stuff. You should not see too big from the start. You may start by watching tutorials on how to modify weapons stats, how to create an npc and smaller things to understand how the Ck work. I would say that with all the good tutorials on Youtube, you can quite easily be able to build a whole functionning town. When you go deeper, it may be hard and i couldn't help you with that.


So that's it. What did you had in mind exactly? I will see if i can help you afterwards

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im planning on it being almost an extention of the main questline, something to give more story insted of just pure randomness like most other side quests or quest mods (not trying to put down anyone or any mods. if it feels that way i appologise) yes it will have dialogs, several in fact. i mostly want someone to help with the location building/modification and possibly even placement of items if i cant get that right (which so far i havent).

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