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Dogmeat voiced? - Mod idea?


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So everyone, I thought of something not too long ago, well, remember the dog from Skyrim, who was the pet of a Daedric prince, he had a voice, and could talk to us, but you may ask, okay where are you going with this, well... Since you asked, considering we're going to be in a nuclear wasteland, and with TONS of radiation around, why would your (immortal)Companion not be able to talk, I mean he's irradiated more than likely, so why not?


Also, I don't mean just dogmeat saying a few lines every now and then, I mean a real voiced, where he reacts to you, or your commands, or question, especially REALLY snarky lines, like when you send him to attack an enemy he'll say something like. "Oh yeah, let me just go hold down that guy with a gun, and you stand back!", or when you go to trade with him, "Are you at least giving me a bone?", and even better when you tell him to stay "Yea, you have fun with those bad guys, I'll stay safe!"


I'm even willing to do the voice recording, if we can people looking to help code it!


Cheers to the wasteland!


~Alenori/TheKYGamer :nuke:

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