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Looking for some basic help with a silly mod


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So, I've finally decided to dive into modding. Yes, on Fallout 4 launch day. I'm using geck.bethsoft.com as a reference and am getting along fine, but there are a few things I thought some more experienced modders could better help me with.


I'm using this mod as a base. It's basically a crow you can pick up that'll sit on your shoulder when equipped. What I want to do is the following:


- Have it say "Nevermore!" every once in a while, on random intervals (yet not too often).

- Make it part of the Wild Wasteland perk, and also have it play the WW sound and display the WW notification when encountered.

- Make it so it'll be killed in a gunfight when hit.

- When it is killed, it should remain in the inventory so it can be re-equipped at any time.


Before anyone mentions it, I realise that the raven from The Raven is a raven. So, fun fact: despite the original mod's name, the black birds in the game are actually ravens, according to the sound and .nif files.


Your help would be greatly appreciated!

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The first is fairly simple to set up with a random timer. Assuming the raven is a simple armor item, attaching the script below to it would make it play the sound every 4-5 minutes (240-300 seconds.) This is probably too often, feel free to modify to suit your needs.

float fTimer

Begin GameMode
    If.Player.GetEquipped Raven != 1
    If fTimer > 0
        Set fTimer to fTimer - GetSecondsPassed
        Set fTimer to 240 + GetRandomPercent * (300 - 240 + 1) / 100
        PlaySound RavenNeverMore

For how to set up a Wild Wasteland encounter, check this post.


As for having the raven be killed when hit, I can't think of any other way to do that but by random chance. I don't think there's a way to register hit locations more precisely than which body part was hit.

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The first is fairly simple to set up with a random timer. Assuming the raven is a simple armor item, attaching the script below to it would make it play the sound every 4-5 minutes (240-300 seconds.) This is probably too often, feel free to modify to suit your needs.


For how to set up a Wild Wasteland encounter, check this post.


As for having the raven be killed when hit, I can't think of any other way to do that but by random chance. I don't think there's a way to register hit locations more precisely than which body part was hit.


Hey, thanks for the answers!

Do you think there's a way to associate the raven with a certain body part? It is an armor item, so shouldn't it already be associated with one?


Edit: So I was having trouble saving the script and installed GECK PowerUp and loaded it all up with NVSE. Now I'm getting errors saying that line 5 couldn't be parsed, things about mismatched/invalid begin/end blocks on line 5 and 8, and a syntax error on line 5.


Here's my code:

scn aaaCarriableNevermoreScript

float fTimer

Begin OnAdd Player
     If.Player.GetEquipped aaaCarriableNevermore != 1

     If fTimer > 0
        Set fTimer to fTimer - GetSecondsPassed
        Set fTimer to 600 + GetRandomPercent * (1800 - 600 + 1) / 100
        PlaySound NPCRavenFlyAwayVox


I can't figure out what's wrong with it. aaaCarriableNevermore is the armor item. There's also a creature called aaaNevermore, but I figured that's just for world placement.


Also, why the + 1 in the timer?

Edited by Revolvist
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