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Shivering Isles Important Warning


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For a detailed discussion please check out the UESP website.


Anyone who has installed SI runs the risk of making Oblivion (as well as SI) unplayable after a certain period of time. The bug has been identified and a fix produced for PC users by the modding community.

Abramul has posted the link to the fix in Oblivion Spoilers (under the topic SI bugs)


Please all using SI check it out soonest.


Disabling SI in the Data Files is not enough.


The situation re Xbox is unclear.

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Thanks SO much for this. My item counter is up to FF22.... so i'm fine. I got the patch so i'll have many hours left of playing. I was just thinking, is this in anyway related to the duplicate item glitch. The one where you get like, 100 arrows and shoot an item from your inventory. I notcied that stopped working when I got Shivering Isles, but i havn't checked to see it it works again.
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May as well cross-post this here:

The problem, and the solution.


The fix itself.



This problem may be sufficiently important to justify putting it on the TESSource front page.


UPDATE: Wrye has added an EXPERIMENTAL "Repair Fbomb" option to Bash. It APPEARS that the game skips over used FormIDs, but it isn't yet certain that won't cause problems.


Will make a new post when it's determined one way or the other.

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I have yet to see reports of problems with Repair Fbomb. However, I'd only recommend using it if you have a save near the limit.

Rapid use of FormIDs has been confirmed to occur on Xbox. I've seen at least one post claiming lost items from this bug.


A few devs have posted to say they're aware of the problem.

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Question.. i have SI on my home computer.. but can't get on the internet there.. so i usually download mods on my laptop in a parkinglot somewere and transfer them to my pc useing a mp3 player ( same thing as a flash drive, kinda) is there any certian fold i need to put this in?.. like the mods require?.. or do i just need to run the app on my "oblivion comp"... and am i gonna have to reinstall oblivion completley? .. i read i may have to if i DLed a previous patch.. ( which i don't think i did, unless it came with the SI CD) an if i had to re-install.. can i just take my savegame files out and put em back in after i re-install.. cuzz there's no way i'm startin this over again.. ( had the 360 versoin.. untill the 360 "blew up" )... forgive my typoes.. and spelling errors..
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The patch you odnwloaded goes into the oblivion/data folder. In that folder you should see two other files with the same icon. one for oblivion and one for shivering isles. put the file you downloaded (after you extract it) into there. Then, when you start oblivion instead of clicking "play" click "data files" and double click on the patch. say okay then play.

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  Sypron said:


The patch you odnwloaded goes into the oblivion/data folder. In that folder you should see two other files with the same icon. one for oblivion and one for shivering isles. put the file you downloaded (after you extract it) into there. Then, when you start oblivion instead of clicking "play" click "data files" and double click on the patch. say okay then play.

Pretty sure he's talking about the official beta patch. This should be executable from anywhere, assuming the same approach as previous patches is used.

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