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Lost additional info panels when selecting NPC's in with console open


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I first tried getting help on the Steam forums. No luck so far. I *think* this is mod-related, not sure. I don't know if it's part of SkyUI or some other mod.


Normally, when I open the console and click on an NPC with the cursor, I see this:




That is NOT my screenshot, I found it searching for my problem. However, it does show the info panels that are not longer appearing in my game. When working in the console, those panels can be very helpful, and I want them back.


I've been told that "feature" is not part of vanilla skyrim, and has to have been added by a mod. The only mods I have disabled since I know the additional info panels were working are just some armor and clothing mods that I no longer use.


Does this look or sound familiar to anyone? It happened to me once before, and I was able to regain functionality by reverting back a few saves. That doesn't seem to be working now.


I'm going to try running LOOT and see if it is load-order related. The only other mod I have installed that might possibly have something to do with this would be RaceMenu, but I haven't messed with it at all.


Any help appreciated!

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OK, this is apparently added by this mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50900/?


I was totally lost, because I have *never* installed that mod.


After reading and researching all freakin' day, it turns out that a follower mod (Tania the Hermit) that I uninstalled this morning is what actually added the mod without it being listed and without me knowing it. Reinstalling Tania or installing this mod should fix it. At least I hope so. It's a very handy little mod.

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I know this is old, but I have reinstalled Skyrim from scratch and came across this exact problem.

This is the only topic I found with the issue and it helped find the solution.


Your research was partially correct; the extra information panels were added by Tania the Hermit. (Which I used to have and had not reinstalled yet..) But the terminal console mod only made my console solid and did not add extra info panels.


The Tania the Hermit page has more information than I remembered it having and they listed their included mods.


The mod that adds the extra info panels is called Mfg Console.




That added the extra information console panels for me.


Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I hope my findings help you and others out with the more specific fix.



Have a good one.





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