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game already has that just set up trade routes


f*#@ Local Leader. I don't want to have to micromanage the game just to avoid having to micromanage the game. Actually, about the only mod I want as much as a global workbench inventory, would be a mod that added a "local leader" somewhere in the wasteland. Cause I would drop everything to hunt down and murder that useless bastard.

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local leader does not provide this benefit,


Rank 1 : Allows you to create trade routes

Creating a trade route does the exact thing that is requested here. It connects the workshops of 2 settlements so all the items from both will show up in either one. Also, you don't have to connect all settlements to each other to gain the benefit. Example: If Sanctuary is connected to Red Rocket and Red Rocket is connected to Greygarden, Greygarden will in-turn be connected to Sanctuary as well. (without having to make another trade route)


It does not,they are requesting that you put something into one workshop and withdraw from another, making supply lines just share them,you have to go to the original to withdraw with a supply line where as with this request it would allow you to withdraw anything from any settlement

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