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Invincible Raiders?


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Just like in the original games until someone invented balance mods, I find myself shooting these guys right in the face 7-8 times and they don't even stagger. I deliberately went into god mode and stood myself right in front of one of them and shot him 14 times using VATS, at least half of them head shots, before bringing him down. This isn't gonna cut it. Also, every raider I've seen so far looks exactly the same, is dressed exactly the same... the lip syncing is virtually non existent. And coming up against an almost totally indestructible deathclaw at level 3 with nothing but a 10mm pistol was a real joy. :D


It's like taking a huge step backward, like we're right back at the beginning of Fallout under Bethesda only with even fewer choices, even worse graphics and even less in the way of reality and immersion at least on mid range rigs like mine.


I'm figuring it will get better as the tools become available and the high end modders start working with it but as another commenter said elsewhere, right now I'm about ready to shut her down and wait until that happens simply to keep my first play through from being a total flipping mess.

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This game is really unbalanced! It's nu fun playing at higher difficulty when you can spend all your ammo on one raider and than have 20 more to go. I really hope the mod tolls come soon, or if someone now can already make it more balanced/realistic.


I also believe the leveling is extremely unbalanced. I only played for about 5 hours but already at level 10. Combine that with the lack of ammo early on and the OPnes of enemies, not that much fun.

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I've started trying to mess around with this in the console. A lot of the same console commands and variables that worked in Fallout 3 and NV seem to work here also. First, have a look at the variables discussed for this old mod:




For Fallout 4, the highest difficulty setting isn't "legendary". It's "Survival". So the name changed slightly and I was able to guess it. The suffix for this is not "L". It is "SV".


So, to change the global damage multiplier of all damage the player deals to NPCs in Survival mode, you would type this in the console:


setgs fDiffMultHPbyPCSV 2


The default in this mode is 0.5 for the player's damage and 2.0 for the NPC damage. i.e. NPCs do double damage to you and you do half damage to them. This is Bethesda's simplistic idea of "difficulty" that is kind of annoying and what will cause you to empty clips into the heads of enemies just to kill them. If you just want all damage to be greater and thus make combat dangerous for everybody, you can just up the multiplers for both sides.


One problem with the above command though is that it is not persistent across saves. It will stay in effect for the duration of your game session, regardless of saving/loading, but then will be back to defaults the next time you run Fallout. I still need to look into whether I can put these commands in an .ini file or something. Maybe just put them in a batch file and use the 'bat' command each time I start the game? I don't know. I used to have these settings in an .esp plugin in Fallout, but that will have to wait either for the G.E.C.K. to be released for Fallout 4 or some modder to come out with an interim plugin editor.


I think there are other Gambryo engine variables that control different damage multiplers like for VATS or headshots specifically, if you want to look those up.

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I'm a pansy and am playing at Normal.

Not having this issue.


Though, I could see if above math in poster above is right, it would be a mess at higher difficulties.


Looking forward to mods that allow for greater flexibilty of difficutly ranges in future. Will stick with normal until then.

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I think normal difficulty is just 1x damage multiplier for both enemies and player. So nobody has an advantage.


If it's like the previous two Fallouts, the higher difficulties are mainly a problem early game when the weapons and your player's skill is relatively weak. Also you've got little to no armor. In that state, half damage out vs double-damage incoming is a real suck. Not as big a problem later on when you're hitting head shots with better accuracy and much better weapons.


But I do generally prefer combat to be deadlier than it is by default. It's more realistic that you should really have to be wearing some impressive armor to be able to take a few bullets without being killed or seriously injured.

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