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Anyone else find Sparky yet?


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I was wandering around yesterday, somewhere near Lexington I think, and found one of the wild "vicious" looking dogs that didn't attack.

It turns out she was injured, and you can heal her and name her Sparky. She then seemed to follow me for a while, but after fighting some molerats she was nowhere to be found.

Did some googling, but there's no info out there yet, just wondered if anyone had managed to have her follow them.


I don't think she's meant to be a proper follower, but at least I've got a good idea for a mod when the tools are released!

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Strange, I had Dogmeat with me as well but they didn't fight. I was playing yesterday though and Dogmeat ran off to fight something which turned out to be Sparky.

Dogmeat won, so I tried a console resurrect (still works!). After that they didn't fight, but Sparky won't follow.

Maybe she was just walking the same way as me the first time so it seemed like she was following.

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I found her as well. Same story, found her, she followed for for a couple of minutes, then ran back. Thing is I just found her again in the top rightish area of the map, kind of around the museum of witchcraft. She follows me a bit, then runs off same as last time. Weird. Maybe just a random encounter thing that doesn't really have depth, just something you can happen upon across the wastes. Hopefully there's more to it though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In addition, several other dogs can be recruited as companions with the same characteristics as Dogmeat.


These include varying breeds such as the mongrel, rottweiler, and boxer. One has to find an NPC named Gene and he will offer to sell the dog for 250 caps after a medium speech check (for the Rottweiler and Boxer).


To obtain a mongrel, one has to wander around non-populated areas such as forests around Sanctuary Hills. An injured mongrel will be encountered and the player has the option to stimpak him.

The Sole Survivor will dub the mongrel Sparky and will then become a companion. However, if a companion is already present, the mongrel will glitch and not be available for recruitment.



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