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Full key mapping please?


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For the E and R default input when you highlight a drawer or cabinet (E-take R-transfer) those don't show up in the settings menu, I'm able to set different key for everything else like movement WSAD and crouch/sprint/sneak etc etc, but the "take" and "transfer" key I'm unable to.

I'm asking because I'm using different movement keys, I'm using WERD and it conflicts the hotkey when I highlight a chest or drawer and the "Take" "Transfer" command shows up.

Maybe anyone know if there's a way to change it in the .ini file?

Thank you.

Edited by yogurt400
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The 5-8% of the gaming population that is left-handed and hardwired to use binds other than the, I guess, "usual" WASD setup - desperately needs something like this. I literally feel so uncomfortable that I can't bring myself to even play the game without my numpad setup. Makes you feel bad when you hear people talk about FO4 and you can't jump in even though you have the game. =[

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