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Lean and peek ability - like AI


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It's always fascinating how AI and NPCs can do things that players cannot, especially when it comes to movement (like in shooters, where everyone can go behind cover except you)


I really like the animation how enemies peek from behind a cover, can anyone make a player mod from this?

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If you're behind something and you aim you will peek around the object.

Jup, but this is not really what I want. Played GTA 5 on PC? it's more like that what I would like to have. Cover (third and first person) and lean around corner when aiming (or over obstacles) and also changing the grip on you gun (right/left hand) according to which side you lean (tactical leaning)

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If you're behind something and you aim you will peek around the object.

Jup, but this is not really what I want. Played GTA 5 on PC? it's more like that what I would like to have. Cover (third and first person) and lean around corner when aiming (or over obstacles) and also changing the grip on you gun (right/left hand) according to which side you lean (tactical leaning)


this game engine can't support that as far as i know

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If you're behind something and you aim you will peek around the object.

Jup, but this is not really what I want. Played GTA 5 on PC? it's more like that what I would like to have. Cover (third and first person) and lean around corner when aiming (or over obstacles) and also changing the grip on you gun (right/left hand) according to which side you lean (tactical leaning)


this game engine can't support that as far as i know


Maybe you could handle it like this: When an obstacle is detected (weapon is lowered) you press a button and the character switches into cover mode (leaning with his back on a wall) you have to see yourself whether you have to stand or crouch or prone (if this would be added) because it's not detected how hight the obstacle is. now when you are in cover mode you can aim left (a+right mouse) or right (d+right mouse) or peak over the obstacle (w+right mouse) or blindfire (w,a,d+left mouse)


Now when you lean right or left the character would need to switch the way he holds the weapons. I know from New Vegas that there are some talented modder who could do such animations.

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