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Issue with uninstalled Meshes still existing..


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So I un-installed Remodeled Armor recently and got rid of my mesh body, and even did a complete re-install of skyrim and my Nexus Mod Manager. But It's still showing the modified armor in my game. I don't know if this is really a question for Mod's or an issue with my Game.. So im asking here first before I goto the Bethesda website.


So the issue is, "Meshes" from Remodeled Armor still exist, even after I disabled and un-installed from my NMM.

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Check your data\meshes\armor folder in your Skyrim install directory, if there are any files or subfolders in there, Skyrim will load them over the default ones.


I did look, my folders are clean of meshes. I even downloaded Mod Organizer hoping that maybe, that might help me solve the problem. Only other thing I can think of , is seeing what Tes5edit thinks of my mod list...

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It could be that the modded mesh is also included in some other mod's .bsa file. It's one reason i HATE mods being in .bsa format. I prefer to manually install all my mods, unless they are VERY specific about what they do. I've had several save games destroyed because some a$$whole included some extra stuff in the .bsa without telling anyone, or for any good reason (and "maybe" by mistake I guess).


Open any .bsa files (apart from the Bugthesda vanilla ones) and look inside and see what's in them.

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It could be that the modded mesh is also included in some other mod's .bsa file. It's one reason i HATE mods being in .bsa format. I prefer to manually install all my mods, unless they are VERY specific about what they do. I've had several save games destroyed because some a$$whole included some extra stuff in the .bsa without telling anyone, or for any good reason (and "maybe" by mistake I guess).


Open any .bsa files (apart from the Bugthesda vanilla ones) and look inside and see what's in them.

Currently I am thinking its my Mod Manager, I am finding mysterious mods still installed when I thought I cleared them. So I'm letting that run. Was always iffy about using profiles.

Edited by MisterB1969
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