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2 perk points per level


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While using a mod that gives you perk points is the same level of "cheating" as using console commands.


I would still prefer a 2 perk point per level mod (or something along the lines of the community uncapper for skyrim) simply because I don't want to start the game with 30+ perks (or open the console every time I level up to give me another perk), I still want to build up to them, but there's too many perks to grab early in order to get your build off the ground. You basically run around hardly doing damage, not able to pick locks, hack terminals, or mod your guns for a while longer than I like. I like the idea of being "new" to the wasteland and needing to adapt, but honestly the amount of perks you'll need to grab to be worth anything by level 5 is more than 4 perks, I would prefer uncapper so I could start with maybe 3, then get 2 for a while, whittle down to 1 perk per level, and eventually half a perk point per level (1 every other level).


But for now, we wait and play at Beth's Balance.

Edited by sherrif
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