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unlocked master spells no quest needed


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anyone seen any mods that make the vanilla master spells for all spell schools not require you to do the quest? like you can buy the spells regularly or find them as loot and your don't need to do a quest if you don't want to? looked around but didn't find any mods that do that



if not anyone willing to make a mod so that you have the options of doing the quests if you want or you can buy the spells from stores or find them as drops?



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Here you go..


Black Market Spells:

This adds a simple "Show me your black market spell tomes merchant!" dialogue to any NPC that is in JobMerchantFaction.


Selecting the dialogue option will present you with every Spell Tome your game has for you to buy or sell.

Any Black Market Spell merchant is a spell tome fence, so they will also buy your stolen spell tomes.


Basically it get's a list of every book with the keyword VendorItemSpellTome from every mod you have loaded.



SKSE 1.7.3 (without it no tomes will show)





Extract the contents of archive to your \Dataa\ directory.

Enable BMS.esp with whatever and play.



Drop BMS.esp from your load order.

Delete BMS.esp and BMS.bsa from your \Data\ directory.


BMS .zip contains:





This does not edit any vanilla game files, quests, scripts, chests, actors or any other vanilla game forms at all.




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BTV does natively adds any vanilla DLC spells tomes to the Spells Vendor, but it doesn't add spells from other non official DLC.

It also doesn't add every base game spell, that's still random (to a degree) as to what the spell vendor offers.


I was going to add an option where the user can add stock to the vendors that they will always have to sell.



Select a type of item eg;

Armor No Enchantment, Armor Enchanted, Weapons No Enchantment, Weapons Enchanted, Misc Items, Potions and Poisons, Ingredients, Spells, Scrolls, Food, Staffs, Clothes, Jewelry No Enchantment, Jewelery Enchanted, Skill Books, Books...etc


You select the type and a gift menu opens with all the those types from every mod you have loaded.

You click an item in the gift menu and select how many (upto 100 per item).

From there the item gets added to the appropriate vendor stock.

When you access the the vendor that stocks those types of items they will have those items in their stock.


Originally i had it so the gift menu opened showing every type of possible item from all your loaded mods and base game..

But the delay to populate the gift menu with every type of item was to large (well on my crappy hardware..lol).

Along with the more mods the user has the longer that delay gets.

So the only way I can offer it is broken into categories as it's pretty well instantaneous to display a single category.

(SKSE GameData functions rock to get lists of all the different types of forms from any mod).

Edited by sLoPpYdOtBiGhOlE
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