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Combat Music


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I want to have music playing in the background rather than IN oblivion, this way my music won't be interuppted by things like combat. But theres a problem with this, when I do get into combat I won't know, And might turn around to see a pack of daedra. So, is there a mod that adds anyform of combat indicator? It should be possible, seeing as the game knows when you're in combat by playing different music it should be able to also display something. Know any mods that do this?
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As far as I can tell, that's all internalized, you can't really detect for it. As far as I know, there isn't any particularly useful way of creating a series of checks using abilities, scripts and activators. The easier method would be to have an ability which checks if any of the usual annoyance mobs are nearby checking each individual ID, as there are 50 some just between bandits and conjurers, this is a fairly long list, and would require being broken down into scanning groups. The harder method would have an activator constantly at the player's location, repeatedly casting a target spell at the player that checks the area for anything which has an aggression stat higher than disp toward player (as getcombattarget player, and getshouldattack player don't seem to work too well). The downside with this method is that it can cause some slow down, and may not catch an agressive NPC if there is a friendly one closer.


One alternative would be to replace all the standard music files with fairly long running silent ones, and replace the combat music with something that still allows an audio cue that you'd be able to notice when listining to your music, but is less obtrusive. Naturally, if you're listening to something loud and/or random, you may be out of luck in this regard.

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I seem to recall seeing in a thread on undocumented changes in 1.2, which I can't seem to find now, that if you have no music in the Battle folder, it won't make the currently playing track change. Not sure if this is correct, though.
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Well there is an extremely simple way to do that. Go into windows media player and make a play list of the music you want to listen to in the game. Personally I love Matti Pallen's Celestial Aeon Project. Set the playlist to shuffel and repeat, then hit play. Launch Oblivion. Go into the audio options and turn down the music volume all the way. And presto, you have music that won't cut out on you every time you get attacked.
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Well there is an extremely simple way to do that. Go into windows media player and make a play list of the music you want to listen to in the game. Personally I love Matti Pallen's Celestial Aeon Project. Set the playlist to shuffel and repeat, then hit play. Launch Oblivion. Go into the audio options and turn down the music volume all the way. And presto, you have music that won't cut out on you every time you get attacked.

He's probably already doing that, however as he has also stated, he wanted some way to know if he was still being attacked as without battle music, listening to your own stuff, it becomes difficult to know if anything is following you. So while having no battle music is considdered a plus, if there is nothing that lets you know that something is trying to kill you, life becomes a bit more difficult. Even with sound effects turned up, music off, you often can't hear anything till they're right on you. If you have your own music running, it becomes even harder.

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Well there is an extremely simple way to do that. Go into windows media player and make a play list of the music you want to listen to in the game. Personally I love Matti Pallen's Celestial Aeon Project. Set the playlist to shuffel and repeat, then hit play. Launch Oblivion. Go into the audio options and turn down the music volume all the way. And presto, you have music that won't cut out on you every time you get attacked.

He's probably already doing that, however as he has also stated, he wanted some way to know if he was still being attacked as without battle music, listening to your own stuff, it becomes difficult to know if anything is following you. So while having no battle music is considdered a plus, if there is nothing that lets you know that something is trying to kill you, life becomes a bit more difficult. Even with sound effects turned up, music off, you often can't hear anything till they're right on you. If you have your own music running, it becomes even harder.


Hey! Thats what I was gonna say. What do I say now?

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Well, i have a solution to that problem - Detect life 200 ft ;)

I wish... Even at 1000 ft I was still getting caught in battle. The problem with detect life is that it uses shaders which don't go away when thing is close, leaving pink particles on every NPC, and often take awhile to load. It's only viable on a ring or something you only wear when going through the wilderness, and if you happen to feel like spinning around every once in a while to see if anything is following you.

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