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Barely 3 hours in and I'm thinking of waiting for the mods


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Having seen what the superb modders did for Skyrim, I can only hope that they turn their attention to FO 4 soon, because at this moment I am really struggling to play the game.


I learned years ago that a mediocre game could be made something special by modder, which is why I went down the PC path, and am currently taking heart from the news I read somewhere, that the guys who gave us SKSE are going to provide a Script Extender for this unfinished and disappointing, over hyped piece of work.


If you are a pc player and enjoy real role playoing games then head for Skyrim and learn how to manage your mods and enjoy a truly great game while the modders fix this game.

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Wow, that's a LOT of cynicism and bitterness.

I prefer the term 'Realist" thank you :)


I'm not saying it's a "bad" game, TBH I love all Bugthesda's games, ... yes, even Vanilla Skyrim, and I will play the crap out of FO:4 just like I have Skyrim (2500+ hours and counting) but that said ...


I for one would have thought that they really could have done "something" that would have mad it a significant departure from FO:3/NV and Skyrim. It's basically a "FallRim" or "SkyOut" in it's current form. The only significant change is it's now a console port. Did they really spend the last 5 + years on that alone?


Realistically, apart from the assets and tile base obviously, is FO:4 really any different from downloading and using an ENB + Racemenu and Bodyslide + a couple of player home and town mods + a couple of new dungeons + Quest mods for Skyrim?

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Today, on my day off, I have spent all my time revolving between Skyrim ( with 141 mods) and FO4. I am desperately trying to like this game but failing badly.

In Skyrim, because of the work provided by excellent modders, I have been having conversations, learning about new locations, singing, dancing (and more) and generally admiring the beauty of the Skyrim Landscape - day or night, it is breathtaking.


In FO4, I have a dog that is immortal, a bunch of retards who want me to do everything and scenery that is as boring as my bathroom.

The game is ok for a quickie fix of shoot everything but as a role playing game it sucks more than my granny without teeth.


However, modders being what they are - they will fix it because that is what they do.


Sorry if I appear to be an hater - I wanted just to be the Wanderer like the add said I could be.

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I don't really understand where you're coming from. I've played the game a total of 26 hours and have only played the first two story quests to get to Diamond City. Every where I go there is a random event or quest and more map locations than I know what to do with.


I feel like people are looking for reasons to hate the game rather than just enjoying it.

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I don't really understand where you're coming from. I've played the game a total of 26 hours and have only played the first two story quests to get to Diamond City. Every where I go there is a random event or quest and more map locations than I know what to do with.


I feel like people are looking for reasons to hate the game rather than just enjoying it.



How can one enjoy a bugged out mess of a game? The FO4 bug thread here is NINE PAGES LONG.


The game is an arcade shoot-em-up, not an RPG like it should have been.


Peoples hate for this expensive product is justified completely.

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I've been playing FO4 since day one and beside some ragdoll problems here and there in VATS I literally had no bugs, glitches, etc. I don't know what you guys are talking about but it's certainly not about this game. And you kept calling them Bugthesda. Because it's cool being edgy and salty.


I'm looking at FO4 more like a Mass Effect game set in the Fallout universe. Which is great in my book. The dialogues are well made and cinematic, the combat feels solid, it runs perfect on my computer (50-55 fps most of the time). As for the RPG elements - I'm tired of assigning arbitrary numbers to arbitrary words/skills to make my character arbitrary better. This is not what RPG means. That system was good on Fallout 1 and 2 but it does nothing to improve the gameplay for a FPS type game. Clicking numbers to make my character stronger is not the best way to design things imo.


That being said I'm waiting for mods that make all outfits wearable under armor pieces.

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25 Hours into my first play through and I haven't experienced any game breaking bugs. Just minor annoyances that I'm sure will be addressed soon enough. Mainly having to set shadow distance to medium to prevent frames dropping in the city areas. I really don't understand the idea of wanting to wait for mods though. It will be a while before GECK is released. I'm loving every minute of my experience with FO4 and if I actually thought the game was so bad I couldn't play it without mods in it's current state then I just wouldn't even waste my time with this game.

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Christ, how can people be so immature. The game has been out for five days and counting. Play the game, Judge it when you're done. And if you get less than 30 fps play console or buy a new computer. If you don't do these two things you're setting the game up to be a failure. It's gorgeous, honestly it's leaps and bounds ahead of skyrim without mods. It's got a hundred mechanic changes compared to fallout new vegas, and if you actually look around a bit, with a decent pc or console, the world is gorgeous. It's well designed and had the smallest of details. With the mods which will release with the GECK this already goty level game will be even better. If you don't believe me, do yourself a favor and give it a try.
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I'm really not surprised at how dumbed down this game is, the whole planet is being dumbed down on a massive proportion by greedy corporations who just want tax paying cattle who ask no questions, but are happy with their iphones and well adjusted in their modern mediocre slave lives. Meanwhile, Paris burns due to government corruption...
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