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-Mod Wishlist- (what would "you" like to see in f4 ?)


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Tactical Weapon Modifications - We have seen some great mods already for this game. Tactical flashlights for your weapons, aiming lasers, and some modders doing their best to give us multiple scopes and sights for our favorite weapons. However, I would like to see a few things that I am not sure are even possible with the amazing talents of this sites users.

1. Adjustable Rifle Scopes. It sucks having to switch between two different scoped weapons depending on the situation, even more so if you've stirred the hornets nest and now need to worry about enemies firing on you from an elevated position or are now rushing your position on the ground. It'd be nice to see some scopes capable of different levels of magnification or hybrid scopes that can combine a red dot or ACOG weapon sight paired with a magnifier attached behind the main accessory. Maybe you could tweak the melee/grenade key in a way to switch them back and forth.


2. Under-Barrel Attachments - Imagine you're wandering the wastelands, humming along to The Wanderer and laughing at goofy ol' Dogmeat....And then as you turn the corner, you've managed to stumble into an ambush. Enemies all around you, bullets tearing into your armor and making it impossible to move to a better position so you can fight back.


You're screwed...Totally doomed. If only you had something like say...A M203 grenade launcher attached to your favorite assault rifle? Or maybe you're unlucky enough to stumble into a tight space packed with ghouls. You can spray and pray all you like, or you could switch to the under-barrel shotgun you crafted/looted/bought from that one meth head weapons vendor and spray those nasty bastards with buckshot. Maybe some madman in the wasteland has managed to work-up a device that emits radiation so you can convert the non-believers to radioactive dust?


Custom Load Ammo as seen in New Vegas - Besides the fact that loading up shotgun shells with coins being sort of a cool way to kill an enemy, it helps players think more tactically when engaging an enemy. I'd love to swap between standard .45 ACP to some custom loaded rounds like .45 Super, Armor Piercing, Hollow Point or even Wadcutter rounds for a flatter trajectory.




Wasteland Entertainment! - It's been 200 friggin' years and everyone still seems so desperate to survive that they've forgotten how to have some damn fun! I'd enjoy seeing some spectator sort of events. Cage fights, shooting contests, plays or other stage shows. Where is our awesome little mini-game like Witcher 3's Gwent? The gambling in New Vegas? Hell...I'd settle for a stereotypical 50's beatnik reading bad poetry to intoxicated folks in Diamond City.




My dream mod? The Lone Survivor finds a group of survivors who have taken up inside of an old movie theater. They dress as old world characters from their favorite movies, which you being from 200 years ago remember fondly. They of course will tell you of a historical archive that was used to preserve culturally significant items inside: Books, movies, personal artifacts of our nations most celebrated individuals. So you hop along and find some new films for the Movie Theater dwellers. (Maybe you can upload some movies that are considered public domain if they're are any, that play on the screen.) Better yet, maybe you could make a deal with these avid movie-lovers and partner up to make some caps together. Your quests would be the obvious. Finding movie reels, finding or building a pop corn machine and then making difficult choices...Like if it's ethical to charge 20 caps for a bucket of popcorn and 10 caps for a large Nuka Cola?




Now for the stuff, that I who still has no idea how video game software works consider impossible.

Minutemen Motherbase Mode:

MGSV was great, wasn't it? I think so. My favorite part though? Building up an army of soldiers fighting on behalf of others for money. I'm not asking for someone to make a mod where you knockout NPCs and pull out a ghetto-style fulton balloon. Just the ability to send out groups of minutemen to perform various operations from guarding merchant convoys, helping a settlement with aggressive wildlife or neighbors or just providing some extra man-power to aid in construction efforts.

Plus, we'd finally be able to just tell Preston to F-off and send a squad to clear the ghouls from the National Guard Training Yard for the 12th time this week.

Date Night mod:

Who did you romance in your game? Piper? Cait? Macready?...Hancock?


It's nice to have someone to love in the wastes...But it sucks that "going out" with them consists of slogging through a ghoul nest and hoping that the smell of them doesn't kill you. I'd like it if you could go for a walk around your settlement with them, or treat them to a good meal or go out and drink yourselves stupid. Maybe you could go bowling together or go see BEEG AMERICAN TEE TEES. Either way, it just feels like some of the characters you can romance need some more fleshing out story and personality wise.

And lastly, The Professional Mod:

Quite simple, and even better it may actually be possible to do! Assassination contracts for you to pick up and carry out. While exploring Boston, you come across the body of a man wearing a disguise or such, on his body you find a custom weapon and a note detailing the location of a dead drop. In the dead drop you find a healthy sum of caps, some basic supplies and a file. The file contains a picture of a person and information about them. Age, height, hair color and some information about who they are, where they may be found and of course orders to kill them.

After carrying out this mission, you're approached by a woman who identifies herself as a "Handler" who knows what you have done, and asks if you'd be interested in more jobs like it. This starts a quest line much like the Dark Brotherhood and such. You're given targets to eliminate and are rewarded based on what the client has requested, be it killing your target in public, making sure they are never found or killing them with specific weapon types.

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Hello Everyone!


I just wanted to say that I am really glad that I found this place. Not just because I can modify a gamem but because I discovered a group of people that want to make our Virtual Realities better. Thanks to everyone, and Excelsior, or whatever you kids are saying these days.


I have been youtubing CK tuts and I am anxious to join your ranks as a Seed instead of a Leech. Unfortunately, much of my day is spent planning rock concerts and making commercials. Sounds glamorous, but I live in a trailer next to a haunted house, I only make $500 a month, and I'm fat, too. Don't believe the hype, kids. TV f*#@in' lies.


This is my simple list of mods I would love to make if I had the time! When I actually do have time, I will attempt to make them happen, but please hold not thy breath, lest thou passeth the f*#@ out. Royally. (Imagine Jack Black and Danny McBride had a baby that was Too Awesome To Live, and before it Esploded Into Pure Light, It passed It's Most Humane and Righteous Consciousness into a fat clone of Keanu Reeves... That's-A-Me!)


1. Oueade Ouakkyr:

There are tons of weed whackers strewn about the Commonwealth. Why can't you use one to cut down all those damn weeds and bushes!? The lack of ability of cutting bushes down is NOT f*#@ING UHMERSIVE. How much of my Red Rocket settlement is shite because of all these HWEADES? Sure I can scrap a Whole Dang Copse Of Trees without a chainsaw, but this giant red tumbleweed looking piece of frame dropping poop? I guess It's Too Much For Me To Handle. I don't really care about the giant green blackberry hedges, because they are a kind of natural barrier anyway. Were It Up To Me, bushes, leaf piles, and as much rubble as possible should be able to be removed immersively! For example,

A: You shouldn't be able to cut down trees until you get The Ripper.

B: Once you find a Shovel you should be able to remove some debris.

C: Weed whacker whacks the weeds.

D: In order to remove stumps, you need Chains, a Generator, and a salvaged Engine.

E: Why not a Moddable Power Tool that lets you get more out of your scrap? Screws, steel, wood, etc.


2. Da Choppah

Okay, listen up. We need a rideable motorcycle... stat. I'm not sure why it hasn't been done yet! With a few well placed dummy objects, some parent/child linkage, and some creative use of the Vanilla Assets, I think it can be done! There's a lot to consider, and I know I didn't take Every Last Thing Into Consideration, but...


How I Would Do It...

A. First I would separate the Vanilla bike into Four objects...

-Front Wheel

-Back Wheel


-Front Handlebars/Fork

B. Next, make wheels.

-Take the Ceiling Fan and delete its Visible Mesh

-Change its Navmesh into a sphere instead of a cross.

-Increase fan speed X5

-Parent fans to wheels, wheels to fork and chassis.

C. Add some physics to bike.

-Set Rotation Orientation of Bike to just below Player.Anklebone

-On Look L/R, Add or Subtract to Bike Rotation so it leans into turns.

-Nerf turn radius and/or look sensitivity to prevent hairpin turns.

-If Look L/R exceeds "Safe Parameters," crash bike, break leg.

D. Finishing touches...

-Invisible chair allows you to sit on bike.

-Invisible generator allows you to start engine.

-Some custom anims?


3. More Frewt

Why don't those big Blackberry Bushes around Sanctuary and Red Rocket give you any fruit? Seriously, no berries at all? And no collision damage for rubbing up against a thorny bush??? Let's take the script and navmesh from the barbwire traps and add it to those things! That way, you need Power Armor to pick these berries. Which need to glow and give you badass boosts.


4. Take This Thing and Shove It

When I get too much junk, I really hate going back to some town just to get rid of all of it. This mod would allow you to tell people what to do with the stuff you give them via the way you store things...



-JUNK BAG: The next time we stop at X.Settlement, drop in Workbench.

-ARMY DUFFLE: When you run out of X.Ammo, switch to X.Weapon!

-FIRST AID KIT: When I'm hurt, heal me!

-MAIL BAG: Quest crap. "Hold onto this s#*! until we meet X.NPC again."

-CRAP SACK: Sell it. Gimme the caps. Items sold depends on Vendor's Available Cash.



-Essentially the same, except a Provisioner shouldn't be responsible for healing you.

-They can have a first aid kit that you can access but you must stock it.

-Likewise, they can't deliver quest items for you, because that would cause story issues.

-They can be told to deliver your junk to X.Settlement ASAP.

-Unlike Companions, the Provisioners should earn a consignment for selling your crap. It's a good tradeoff for taking all of your crap at once. Sure, you could sell things to them, wait for them to have enough money again, rinse and repeat, or you could just sell everything you have at a loss! With the Crap Sack, others can Sell For You!



Exactly like it sounds. Tired of not being able to place things where you want them to go? Why not create a Virtual Shelf the size of the shelf you want, place everything on that Virtual Shelf... and then Select The Virtual Shelf, which now has all those objects locked to it... and then you can move that Virtual Shelf anywhere! It will have to ignore the Navmeshes of the actual shelves themselves, and there certainly wouldn't be any snapping, and of course, the Virtual Shelf would need to turn invisible once it was placed. Still, I see this being very useful for folks who want to RP a shopkeeper, as only being able to place objects on one shelf is lame and unimmersive. Yeah, this bookshelf has five shelves, but you can only put stuff on ONE SINGLE SHELF. First World Problems, right?


Anyhow, thanks to anyone who actually read the whole post. If I get some free time, I will tackle these things... but if YOU HAVE TIME... make it. Maybe give me a nod, or something. I don't ask for much, just a shark with a frickin laser beam attached to it's head!


Love you guys. Bring a sweater, and call me when you get there.

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My wish list:


1) A mod that "saves" the USS Constitution. Ideally a mod that makes it a moveable player home would be the best, but I'd be happy to see it not get smashed into another building. Maybe something that sends it out to hover over the Castle?

2) Drivable and craft-able cars and motorcycles

3) Drivable boats

4) Naval surface combatants (Corvette, Destroyer, Cruiser, etc.) either as derelicts/wrecks, or as player homes similar to the Dauntless submarine home.

5) More "all in one" mod packs for things like crafting, weapons, scrapping and workshop building.

6) Diverse body types that do not require manual mod set up.



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  • 2 weeks later...

There are two things for building I would really like to see:


1. Some sort of small fusion generator that outputs around 25 or 30 power units. Size would be about the same as the small gasoline generator (where does the fuel for the combustion generators come from anyway, considering the cause of the Great War was exhaustion of the world's oil supply?). I've been building the giant generator in almost all settlements where there is room, to get rid of the noisy combustion generators, but most settlements don't need 100 units of electric power and the thing is stupidly huge.


2. The construction elevators that are in the game. I know there are now elevators in the Contraptions DLC and no, I haven't tried them yet; but I would like to have the construction elevators for settlements like Graygarden and Finch Farm where an elevated highway is in the building zone.

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Guest deleted589532

I would love to see a good S&W .500 Magnum mod. We need more good revolvers.



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combat animations for new playstyles.

these are inherent to Skyrim or successfully modded, hopefully they could be implemented into F4 without too much effort.


1) dual-wield pistols, knives, etc.


2) shields for blocking using AP used with one-handed pistols or melee weapons, clear riot shields, raider style spiked with rebar, car doors, whatever. with a sprint knockdown like the Pain Train perk.


3) evade melee attacks with sidestep and/or roll dodge using customized doubletap or button/key+direction.

This is on my wishlist as well. Something like this: http://www.nexusmods...im/mods/29258/? orthis: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/20923/?

If dodging was doable in Skyrim it's probably also possible in Fallout 4.

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