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-Mod Wishlist- (what would "you" like to see in f4 ?)


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I'd like the ability to search the map to locate places, rather than trying to remember where they are or having to put the pointer over each icon until I find the one that I want.

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More Free Time Regular Settlers like a Covenant settlers

Subject: Doctor Patricia (not commandable use console commands setpv bCommandable 1 ) assign scavenging station she lots have free time

some times sitting ,Hammering house wall, if you use Busy Settlers doesnt need assign rugs she doing all animation, you can feel like a real city.



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Two things I mainly want

1. Being able to attack with a melee weapon while jumping

2. A Crypto companion mod


The first because it is logical to attack and jump yes? The second because since the Fallout world is based around a 40's-60's era of style and thinking and since there are aliens in the world in this universe then I would love to see someone take Crypto from Destroy All Humans (since the game takes place in the 40's-60's) and make a companion based off of him (maybe use his voice lines from the game) using the alien models (maybe change them a bit to make him more unique) and give him an alien weapon or two and maybe be able to make you some alien power cells? I think this is the PERFECT game to incorporate into the Fallout Universe.

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A stop watch, or item you toggle that scales time to real world based on what time of day Boston or your at. Adjusts events or missions timing to better work. Can only sleep or wait 24 hours unless you turn it back off allowing time specific events missions ease to wait, S any increment.
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a simple mod causing junk fired from the Junk Jet to go into the targets inventory upon hit. For easy junk retrieval for accurate shots, and possible rofl moments; raider survives hit, runs away, "HAHA I GOT YOUR HIGH POWERED MAGNET! JERK!"

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Firstly, thanks to all the wonderfully talented folks doing the modding for our community! KUDOS! I love testing out folks mods. I was watching a norespawns video and he made a comment about something I feel would be an awesome mod. We currently have that hack of a computer terminal that we can build but it can't be placed on a desk. But yet there are hundreds of computer terminals that resemble the old TRS 80's lofting around the wasteland.


My request is for someone to add this same model into your player's ability to "build" one of the TRS 80 terminals in your settlement and to allow it to be placed onto a desk, table or counter. Even a possibility to have one be used as a cash register (POS) terminal.


Many thanks to anyone who reads and can make this happen.

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Just a curious idea that popped into me head what would it look like if you made a skin color like that of a glowing one feral ghoul in the character creation menu, or did several recolors of it as well, like purple on black instead of green, or white on grey, I just thought it would be cool, might not, I don't know, I 'd just love to see that pulsating, glowing effect on a player.

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Many people are gonna hate me for this but I would really love to have Mei-Ling Zhou (Overwatch character) as a companion and or her hair style so I can make my character look like her or a already made character of her in Fallout


If any body knows mods that can help me to make my character look like her, could you please tell me?

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