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NVSE Silently Crashes BEFORE startup


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When i try to run the game using NVSE, the loader shows the little window that shows on startup, but nothing happens after that.

I tried running the normal game using steam, but it says "Failed to start game (app already running)"


App already running? what the f***? Was it wishful thinking on Steam's part, or was the game actually running without me knowing it?


I opened up Task Manager, and, to my surprise and confusion, the game WAS running with 25-30% of my cpu and 17 megabytes of my ram.


I ended the task, launched it from steam, and it WORKED. Not with NVSE, but everything in the vanilla game was working perfectly. Well, as perfect as the base game can be, at any rate.


I then came up with the idea to trick Steam into launching NVSE. I renamed the launcher to FalloutNVLauncher_real.exe and renamed NVSE to FalloutNVLauncher.exe


If my theory was correct it would run NVSE without making FNV crash silently.


It worked! Well, not quite. I WAS able to trick Steam into launching NVSE instead of the FalloutNVLauncher.exe, but the same thing happened as before: 25-30% of the cpu and 17 megabytes used to run a game that wasn't ACTUALLY running.


I renamed both NVSE and FalloutNVLauncher.exe to their original names, and opened the game up from steam again, and it worked. Back to square 2. (square 1 was launching NVSE through NMM.)


This isn't a serious problem for me, but there are some issues with this state of affairs:


I can use mods without NVSE, but only mods that don't take advantages of the tools that it provides. It's like a whole section of FNV modding that i'm cut off from.


Can anyone help me with this? MY brain is racked trying to get NVSE to cooperate, and i can't figure out what to do next.

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