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Spoiler free Loading screen


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I wonder if it would be possible to "clean" the loading screen.

I really don't like the information and pictures/models of creatures/weapons/and so on


we had a similar mod in Skyrim by kenny named http://KenMOD - Time on loading screen


I change the line sResourceDataDirsFinal=strings\, interface\, misc\, programs\, scripts\, textures\ so the game would load any loose files (also added bEnableFileSelection=1 in Fallout4Prefs.ini)

I tried to edit loadingscreen.swf with FFDec and put it in Data/interface but the game does not seem to load the file. I don't know if I just screwed up the file or something different is wrong.


So if there is any modder with knowledge of UI editing or something, could you please make a mod that edits the loadingscreen in the way that it only shows level (or no spoiler text and image)



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