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Settler management menu - better settler management.


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i'd like to see something in the workshop menu (or other, doesn't matter) that keeps track of what settler is doing what, much like what bethesda is already doing in the Fallout shelter app. only extend it a little farther, like showing us what assignment each settler is doing, highlighting what they're doing/using/farming. like showing which plants (and how many) they're farming. to better organize the settlement


other implementations can be used. this is all i can think of right now. i'll add if i think of anything:


being able to personally pick what plants a settler takes care of.. i've seen that even if you assign one plant. they automatically go for other plants too.


someone suggested being able to name the settlers to better keep track. and for possibly the menu that im talking about to be in a separate crafted table, or terminal.

Edited by NamesAreTooSimple
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I agree better settler management tools would be cool. I don't think they need to be as granular as your suggesting though. The need to see -exactly- what they're doing and assign them to specific plants I don't think is necessary, but being able to assign specific members to specific tasks via an easily openable menu would be really nice.

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Ya I would like this but it does not have to be super detailed, like a workers work bench that you build and when you go in to it, it will highlight green for people working and red for the ones not or something.

I hate not knowing who is working and who is not.

It can be something as simple as farmer, guard, supply, scavanger, etc...

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I agree better settler management tools would be cool. I don't think they need to be as granular as your suggesting though. The need to see -exactly- what they're doing and assign them to specific plants I don't think is necessary, but being able to assign specific members to specific tasks via an easily openable menu would be really nice.


i'd rather offer too much on an idea and get half of it. then offer half of the idea and get a quarter of it.

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I'd like to see some more detailed menu aswell, of course, looking at the Settler in the Workshop mode will highlight what task the Settler is doing, but if you sorta has constructed your Settlement in a... don't mind it's language... Clusterf*#@, like every other fallout place is, it's hard to see what they are actully doing, so seeing that this settler is a "Farmer" aka "Works on X6 crops" would be lovely or something telling that example settler is IDLE so i can put the slacker to work.

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Someone suggested earlier a craftable work assignment board that was interactive, that listed residents and their tasks. Or a terminal could do the same kind of thing.


It's harder because for some crazy reason most of the settlers don't have *names*.

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Someone suggested earlier a craftable work assignment board that was interactive, that listed residents and their tasks. Or a terminal could do the same kind of thing.


It's harder because for some crazy reason most of the settlers don't have *names*.


Perhaps part of this should also be "The ability to name settlers" lol.

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Someone suggested earlier a craftable work assignment board that was interactive, that listed residents and their tasks. Or a terminal could do the same kind of thing.


It's harder because for some crazy reason most of the settlers don't have *names*.


Perhaps part of this should also be "The ability to name settlers" lol.


i'm on board with that. naming settlers and seeing their statuses on an interactible table or terminal.

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