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Bullet Time instead V.A.T.S. for ap.


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I could see it being slow mo bullet time mode, so it doesnt lock your movement and camera on the enemy, and it just drains your AP the same as if you were running. Might be cool. :p Definitely a good alternative Id like to try, but then youd lose the purpose of many vats related perks and much of the point of boosting the perception skill.

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I didn't even using vats at all and whatever 4 me this bonuses.

BUT I have some ideas to replace bonuses for vats to bt.

Like a accuracy = critical chance(double damage when use it). Heavy weapons spend more ap. And any else bonuses can be applied to it, like an reload time, move speed, for melee hits from the back deal bonus damage and any else what we can imagine!

Just need a people's who'd like to realize that.

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Well I like those ideas, I couldnt see the bullet time really working well though if it didnt have something like that to replace the otherwise made useless vats perks though. :) For instance grim reaper sprint might give you a bit more AP every time ya kill someone to keep it going longer if ya wanted to. Gun Fu could give extra damage bonuses for each consecutive kill or something. Maybe different weapons equipped like the mini gun and other high AP use weapons have more of a stamina drain so they dont last as long.


Would definitely need stuff like that though I think for bullet time to succeed as a mod I think.

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This is the only mod I'm waiting for at the moment. And the only one I really want to apply during my first playthrough. For those recommending Jet, I know that Jet has the effect I'm looking for, but I don't want it to be chem dependant (limited resource/addiction), and I want to be able to toggle it on/off at will. But I don't want it to be unlimited. This is what we got from the Bullet Time mods from F3 and NV. For this to work, it has to use AP. I'm 85 hours in, and the only thing I feel could make this experience any better is if I had proper me-controlled bullet time in place of VATS.


Can somebody skilled in the art of making Fallout mod magic happen please look into if this would be possible without the GECK?


We could perhaps have an equippable item that, once equipped, has the same result as Jet, but also consumes AP. I would be happy to donate to any modder out there who can take the time to do this.

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