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Fun but evil...


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You know whats REALLY fun to do? Create the most powerful thing you can summon in the middle of a city, and go into the console and type in, "createfullactorcopy" it is the best w/ the Summon Mehrunes Dagon mod.


oh yeah, and make sure you target the monster. Have Fun!

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Try to do this in IC, cast frenzy 100 ft and then invisibility and sit back enjoying the show.

I <3 vacations on Frenzyland. ;>


Well once I summoned like 14 Daedra, (With a summoning mod that allowed more than one creature to be summoned at a time) and I invaded the Imperial City, the siege lasted for about 1 full day before I had Daedra walking around in the Imperial Palace

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hilarity mod is the best thing for this - 3 titan ogres, 20 goblins, 10 bandits, 10 marauders and a caliper frenzy! all comes with an invisibility spell so you can enjoy the fun. oh how i laughed in skingrad while watching guards fall off over the bridge, thown by an ogre.


also daedra are my friends. muhahahaha

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hilarity mod is the best thing for this - 3 titan ogres, 20 goblins, 10 bandits, 10 marauders and a caliper frenzy! all comes with an invisibility spell so you can enjoy the fun. oh how i laughed in skingrad while watching guards fall off over the bridge, thown by an ogre.


also daedra are my friends. muhahahaha


that sounds like quite a scene. Try this there is a mod that creates Bandits and Marauders (Dont Remember the name) Now Bandits and Marauders HATE eachother, so they attack eachother on sight. So go into the Arena and summon thgem, its an all out brawl, and it is quite fun to watch

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I have you all beat...

Make a new ability with the following scripted effects.


scn sweepingmadnessabscript
ref target
ref self

begin scripteffectstart
set self to getself
player.moddisposition 100
self.modav aggression 90
self.modav confidence 25
self.modav health 200

begin scripteffectupdate
set target to getcombattarget
if target.getav aggression <=89
self.cast <the id of the targeted spell below> target


Then add a targeted spell with a range of 1000 with the following script (suggested without any visuals).

scn sweepingmadnessspell
ref self
begin scripteffectstart
self.addspell <the ID of the ability>



Use in town, and enjoy... It's basically a perminant area effect frenzy spell without the player being targeted. It also spreads as people flee from one area to another, if enough people are affected without dying, it will be constantly spreading as long as one person affected by it remains alive and doesn't stay to town all the time. If used with some mods that have people traveling between cities the effects wouldn't be limited to any one area. Keep in mind this will pretty much ruin your game. Adding a "setessential self 1" in the start block of the ability may allow you to get past the whole "everyone dying" thing, but may result in unwanted messages, or crash the game. You will still have to enter areas for the actors in them to do anything, but can be rather entertaining.

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