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Theres a few idea's that I have about the missions/settlements.


1. Able to cancel a mission (Curently bugged where I've completed a mission but it won't go away and is currently active so if I start a new quest, I have to activate it in pipboy to show on map)


2. Able to stop the "random" missions when you complete a mission with minuetmen (Done about 60 in total now, as soon as i finish one, he gives another random)


3. If defence is 50+ in a settlement, no kidnapping missions.


4. If defence is 75+ in a settlement, no "Help defend (settlement's name)"


5. Can turn off the radio picking up settlement's recruitment signals.

Edited by Pallall
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the defense scales with total water and food production. So you need more defense the more water and food your settlement makes. Aka, if you made the best water purifier that gives 40 water because you could and dont otherwise need that much, you're prolly going to get attacked a lot. I downgraded mine to the 10 one... seems a waste but that way my defense doesnt need to be rediculous.

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