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New Textures Aren't Loading


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So I've downloaded a couple of texture mods. I have also followed the instructions on where I can stick them (giggity) and changing the Fallout4_Default.ini file. I've even included a screenshot to prove/show the change to make sure I didn't type something wrong.


I've restarted the game several times, and double checked that the mods are in the Data folder and the .ini is changed correctly, yet the new textures do not load up on my save game or on a new game. The only thing I can think of is to take the files out of their mod specific directories and put them straight into the texture directory, but I doubt that's the problem.


Any other ideas on what I'm missing or not seeing? Anyone else having the same problem.


Thanks in advance for any help.

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You're modifying the Fallout4_Default.ini in the main Fallout 4 directory.


Go to Documents\My Games\Fallout4 and open the Fallout4.ini


Add the sResourceDataDirsFinal edits to that file instead.

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Go to the main ini in your documents/mygame/fallout 4 and edit the line with sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\, TEXTURES\, MUSIC\, SOUND\, INTERFACE\, MESHES\, PROGRAMS\, MATERIALS\, LODSETTINGS\, VIS\, MISC\, SCRIPTS\, SHADERSFX\


Now go to your pref ini in the same my game/fallout 4 folder and go all the way down until you see [Launcher]. Under that, place the code bEnableFileSelection=1 After that, make sure you save the ini that way and mark them as read only.


Now this is the step I messed up. In order to install texture mods you have to create a folders in the data folder. ​Mine go as follows (interface, meshes, sound and textures). Video and strings should already be there. Next follow the mod instructions carefully. I downloaded the black and white pip boy mod for example. it gave me a folder that said textures, but I already made a texture folder so I opened the texture folder the mod gave me and another folder popped up I moved that folder to my texture folder under data and it worked.


Ive been looking for answers all day yesterday and I finally found out. hope this helps!​

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I followed the steps to edit both fallout4.ini and fallout4pref.ini files, loaded the mod in the nexus mod manager and it doesn't seem that anything has changed in game, my settings graphically auto detect as Ultra across the board but the game still looks washed out like noah's ark lol


Anyone able to help? :D

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Enhanced Wasteland Preset, and yeah I figured Nexus would do it for me but it told me to alter the ini files, and after I enabled the mod in Nexus mod manager the game

runs but I am not seeing a difference or maybe its sublte???


Those mods are supposed to be installed manually, open the archive and copy the files and the Reshade or SweetFx folder to where Fallout4.exe is.

Edited by Quloide
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